Mouth Ulcers Any Advice Please?

Hi Ladies,
Just wondered if anyone has any advice for mouth ulcers, my mouth is in a awful state. I am using the Gel satchets which have helped in the past, but are not touching it this time, and my usual mouthwash is stinging. Any advice would be appreciated.
Just had my 4th EPI.

Hallo Jillian

I had them really badly with my first FEC, and now with the last taxotere. Strangely nothing in between. I gritted everything and put Bonjela on them. And it stung. But it worked.

Best of luck


Hi Dilys,
Thank you for that, I have got some Bonjela so I will have a go. As long as it works it will be worth the stinging!

Hi Jillian

Hope it helps! Works for me. Let me know.

Much love



I got prescribed Nystatin for that at the hospital today, haven’t used it yet, but supposedly works!

Cecelia. x

Hi everyone

My chemo unit recommended Difflam, you can get this at any chemist, it actually says for sore throats on the bottle, but I used it thoughout my chemo and it helped.

Hang in there.
Anne x

I use a very diluted salt water mixture…not so salty that it stimgs but salty enough to do the job…
and rinse with cool water after every meal…

Mouth ulcers are the pits yo have my sympathy!

Thank you so much ladies, some great advice, I have used the Bonjela, stung like mad but it has certainly calmed things down. Will get the Difflam and Nystatin tommorow. The salt water mixture sounds good will certainly try that too.
Thanks to you kind ladies, I will hopefully get a better nights sleep than last night.

Solution of bicarbonate of soda [10% bicarb] in warm water - it is antiseptic and harmless, and cheap. Swill it round the mouth and spit out. It will do no harm if swallowed. Do as often as you like.

Hi again Jillian

Glad the Bonjela helped despite the stinging.

Sleep tight my love


Hi Jillian

I suffered with really bad mouth ulcers for my first 3 chemos used Difflam Bonjela, and Corsodyl, all helped but ulcers were still present. A friend suggested Aloe Vera toothpaste, it cleared her chemo mouth ulcers up immediately!!! It also did the same for me chemo 4 I used Difflam and Aloe Vera toothpaste and have not had one mouth ulcer!
Hope this helps.
I got the toothpaste from Holland and Barrett.

Take good care

Kim x

hi Jillian
I was prescribed a very thick type cream/gel… I think it was Nystatin, but it was over a year ago now so can’t be sure. Anyway it was very thick and when I applied it, it actually stuck to the ulcer and didn’t slip off at all, it didn’t sting much either but was really effective. Sorry not to be more specific.
Take care
Scarlet. xx

I was told to use Corsodyl daily and if any ulcers came up to use Difflam. Hope they get better… it’s awful having a mouth full of ulcers.

Take care,
Lee xx

They don’t half sting - but don’t spend money on over the counter stuff my hospital gives it all out … and the salty water is free good luck - trouble is the steroids make me hungry then the ulcers hurt… eat the kids jelly and nothing hot.


I have used corsodyl and difflam but have got off very lightly. My friend who works in a chemo unit recommends pineapple juice - swears by it - I just couldnt do that cos I absolutely HATE the stuff - but might be worth a try for you.

Hope your better today?

Nystatin seems to be doing if for me for now! Prescribed from the onc.

Cecelia. x

I found nystatin pastilles really good. I was prescribed a nystatin liquid but couldn’t do that it felt slimy and was no good to me but the pastilles were great.


Hi Ladies,
Had a much better nights sleep, thank you The ulcers are still playing up but not as severe as they were thanks to all your tips. I will give it the weekend and if no improvement by Monday I will contact my GP. I have bought the Difflam and stocked up on the Bonjela today and my OH out shopping for pineapple as we speak. Thanks again for all your replies, they are really appreciated.
Love to you all

Hi Jillian

Glad you got some sleep - that always helps. Keep zapping the ulcers. I wish you well with it.



Thank you Dilys, so glad you and the other ladies were around last night to give me your tips, it really has helped me.