Mouth ulcers are agony :-( :-( :-( :-(

Who else is or has suffered from mouth ulcers after chemo. My mouth is covered in them and there agony. One of them is the size on my tongue of a five pence piece. The pain seems so much more intense than a normal ulcer.

I have got difflam, bicarbonate, bonjela, gelclair and nystatin but nothing is working for very long. HELP these are flippin agony and making me so miserable.



I had awful mouthulcers the first time I had tax - for some reason they were never so bad a gain (like all my other tax se’s.) Corsodyl helped little, but I used to suck ice lollies or flavoured ice cubes and that helped too …
Hope they get better soon,

love Mo xx

Hi Star,

Get some pure Pineapple juice and swish it around your mouth 4 times a day. Swallow some as well. There is an enzyme in pineapple which heals ulcers. You can buy it in bottles from supermarkets but make sure it is pure. It worked for me.

Hope you are soon better.


Oh poor you,are you sure they are ulcers and not oral thrush which is what I remember more than anything else from tax and I finished chemo 18 months ago.
It was awful and the nystatin took a while to work but got there in the end.
I also remember being told about pineapple but could not stand the taste at the time!!!
So sorry you are so uncomfortable.

Jane xx


Know how you feel I had 18 mouth ulcers at one count last week they were AGONY I bought igloo which helped a bit more than the gelclair and bicarb but nothing really helped Sorry! I didn’t eat though for 4 days though just lukewarm soup (every cloud as they say) Mine lasted a week hope your clear up soon x x x

Hi so sorry y not well have u told chemo unit they might be able to try something else Luke warm salt water as a mouthwash 4 times a day I know how u feel I had thrush twice in the end they gave me some tabs to take never got it again I tried it all nothing worked just a mater of time I’m afraid gd luck

Oh Stargazer I do sympathise - I’ve had mouth ulcers for the first time after CMF treatment last week.
They are just about healing up now but were very painful - a row of huge ones inside my lower lip.
I’ve been using Corsodyl gel and a liquid called Anbesol - some relief.
I wonder also if there is any way of using a gum shield or something. My row of ulcers corresponded to the position of my (sharp) top teeth against my lower lip when I sleep… I thought I had bitten myself a bit and then the poison in my saliva probably did the rest?
I’ve seen cover things in Boots that are supposed to stop you grinding your teeth. Wonder if these would be any good?


Stargazer, I would really recommend you go to the Gp or chemo unit if the ulcers are this bad. You may need some anti-fungal medication if nystain is not helping. Pineapple may be too astringent if your mouth is very excoriated. Dont leave it too long before you talk to your chemo team, oncologist, or GP.
Some people find that keeping the mouth really cold when having the actual chemo helps prevent a sore mouth. Eating ice lollys or sucking ice cubes can really help, you need someone to keep “feeding” them to you though and a thermos flask helps too! Might be worth a try next cycle.
Hope it improves very soon.

Thank you so much lovely ladies for your helpful advice.

I have seen gp and am on corsodyl, nystatin, difflam mouth wash and spray, gel Clair, bicarbonate of soda and pineapple juice!! Difflam seems to be the best for me and I am using every couple of hours even during the night.

The lolly thing sounds a good idea thank you rooth.



My OH fed me ice lollys and icepops all through my first FEC - no mouth uclers yet or loss of taste so far.

It may be worth giving it a go next time!
