Mouth Ulcers

I have eight small ulcers in my mouth and all along my top lip…OUCH…thank goodness for bongela…I have no idea where they have come from as I am sooooo careful with mouth hygiene since starting treatment…

Oh and two small ones on my tounge…


Soz you’ve got the dreaded ulcers - no matter how careful mouth hygiene is sometimes the nasty little blighters will still get ya.

Are you using chlorhexidine mouthwash - another good thing is difflam spray.

Apparently tho the best thing for mouth ulcers is to drink or rinse with fresh pineapple juice - which if I get in the situation with bad mouth ulcers (as my best mate says I am absolutely screwed) - cos even the thought of pineapple gives me the willies - let alone the taste or smell - lol

Hope they dont get ya down below too - youch!!!

Take care

I’ve had a manky mouth too and was prescribed Daktarin gel. Tastes nice and you can get over the counter at chemists.


I found salt water the best thing. I gargled after every meal and when ever it was sore.

Cleared them up

In the US they suggest to suck on ice or popsicle during the treatment. It works like the Cold Cap for hair: by keeping the area cold, you lessen the blood stream in the area, hence the chemical carried through are less… and you may be able to avoid the sores completely!!! ask your hospital or chemo center for ice chips :wink: you can bring some syrup to add some taste!!!

Mmmm…ice and pineapple sounds like the start of a pina colada…YUMMY!

Dakterin Gel I can’t get over the counter here…hey ho… I have an appointment next week to check me over so will ask the doctor then. Also I have been having a pain in my remaining booby but I am too scared to check…how silly is that!

I haven’t had any ulcers but have had weird dry patches on the roof of my mouth and gums. I’ve been using corsodyl mouthwash as a preventative measure - the mint one doesn’t taste too bad - my friend’s hubby had intensive chemo and suffered terribly from ulcers and apparently it really helped him.

Oh - just don’t drink tea or coffee for a couple of hours after using it though. It can stain your teeth. Nice!


Hi All

I was given Oraldene by prescription from the hospital - 4 bottles of it, have to use 4 times a day, and so far (touch wood) not had any probs. One tiny ulcer last week, but disappeared within 24 hours and didn’t hurt. Sometimes don’t manage 4 times a day, but usually 3.

Worth a try. No other tips though, as not tried anything yet, as not suffered. Will let you know when I do.

Take care everyone

Just had a chat with a dentist friend of mine and this is what she says to use…

Adcortyl…whatever that is…

Triamcinolone adhesive paste…

So there you are…straight from the dentists mouth…the one WITHOUT the ulcers!

I was prescribed nystatin which you put in your mouth with a dropper. It worked really well for me.

Pineapple and the juice…DON’T DO IT…It really stings…I have tears in my eyes…LOL!

sorry babyboo - but its really meant to work!!!

no pain no gain???

hope u ok

HA HA HA HA HA…well…don’t say that I am not up for trying things out! LOL

lol - i was given the info on really good authority - lots of co workers (one who works in oncology!!!)

maybe you should keep going with it - might heal quicker??? (she says ducking!!)


Go with the Bonjela! Stings like hell but it works.



Hi babyboo and all,

At the chemo unit where I go, along with a barage of anti-sickness meds they send me home with, they also give me some tabs called ‘calcium folinate’. I start taking these 24 hours after my chemo (CMF) and I take them for 2 days. They are supposed to prevent mouth ulcers and they have defo worked for me (so far anyway!). Apparently its the Flourocil (5FU) that can cause mouth ulcers.

While I’m on the subject, when I go for my chemo I suck a mini calipo ice lolly whilst it is being administered. It may sound weird but it helps stop any nasty tastes or funny nose feelings, and reading what lilith has said it may well be that as well which has prevented me getting mouth ulcers! The nurses are more than used to my strange ways now, I take a cool bag and everything! I got the tip from ‘Sex and the City’ when Samantha was having her treatment. It definately works so perhaps you could give it a try?

Take care all,


Then ice lolly it is…mmmmm…my unit thinks I am odd as well as I take videos of old black and white movies in with me to watch!

:)) remember how in sex and the city one of the girls was - ahem - sucking on the lolly suggestively… ?? tehehehehe…

I think I’ll watch that episode again tonight… my hair is going… I need the lift.

Talking about needing a lift - did you watch no angels?? - Now thats something I did not watch on telly then a friend gave me dvd as pressie - I laugh out loud loads at it - well worth the watch!!
