Moving On

Hi Ladies
Well my rudely interrupted honeymoon was fantastic.It was very hot so felt very overdressed with wide brimmed hat and scarf around my neck due to rads,but I was in no way going to let that spoil our fun.Colin has been through this by my side and deserved a break as well.Whilst I was on the beach in above attire and factor 30,under an umbrella with my book, he was splashing in the sea like a 3 year old !!! Wait till next year he doubt you will make up for it.
Whilst my other Liverpool friends where enjoying there meet we met a couple from Liverpool and as you get chatting she is 5 years down the line from a mastectomy and guessed from my short crop that I had been through the same,so most of our second week was spent with them,having late night drinks on our balconies or a meal out.We have swapped numbers to keep in touch.It goes to show its a small world we live in.
Anyway I have been back to work this week.Worked Tues- Sat 8 -1.Been tiring but love being back.I had discussion weeks back about moving closer to home as travelling was 24 miles and about 45 mins,and I have been offered a position in a new store opening in Oct which is 9 miles and 20 mins away.So from now until then I will be in the recruitment centre,interviewing new colleagues, and then setting up new store,so am really excited.
Anyway enough ramble from me,I do hope everyone is ok and I will still come on. although maybe not so often.

Keep Strong


So glad you had a great time Mary and its lovely that you have been able to get your work sorted to suit you better.

I took a brolly to Turkey with me so that I could walk about and not worry about the sun, OH laughed at me [in a nice way] but i don’t care anymore. As long as I can do stuff as before then what the heck.

Thanks AJ
It does get to a point where you say this is me join me or go away.even with our loved ones.

Sounds as though you had a lovely time Mary
And I am so glad that work is also going well for you, great that a store is opening up nearer to where you live - really thrilled for you.
You are definitely moving on .
So all the best for the future, will still keep an eye out for you on the site.
Magsi x

So glad you are in the light at the end of the tunnel and can see the way forward; good that your work is accommodating you too! We know they are meant to, but quite often they don’t!

All the best with life’s smaller challenges!
Sue xx

what great news, sweetie. sounds like a wonderful trip, sweet husband and great circumstance (?) meeting new friends, recovered!
I am so happy for you.

Your thread says it all. Do move on and start moving in your newly reshaped world…with people, activity
you might even get to complain about too much this or that and then you can break out in a smile
just happy you are being so active

I am finding that if they think you are worth it, work will accommodate you
and you certainly are
I expect a whole new line of something coming from the new branch having to help bc folks

take care honey and all our hugs
as you move on!!!


Hi Mary

I’m delighted to hear that you had a good honeymoon. Also glad to hear that you are able to move your work closer to home, that should make a great difference to you.

Best of luck

Love Lilac

Thanks for your comments. I know I am lucky to have worked for a company for the last 18 years and be treated xo well,but to be honest it does that for every one,my only complaint will be over sick pay,and I will relay it back.

As for my attitude towards customers trying to pull a fast one,come and try me,you may or may not get away with it !!!

Hi Mary

Great to hear you had a good honeymoon and your other news.

I hope that you take it easy getting back to normal life and enjoy!



Hi Mary

Its Janet from Warrington Store (hope you don’t mind me replying to your post) So glad you had a great time on your HONEYMOON!! I was only asking Colin how you were the other day ! (its soooo good that feeling when you return to work is’nt it & I do agree with you on the SICK PAY issue)

I don’t use the site as much now but have been back on to get some advice for Breast Reconstruction which I am thinking of having done.

So pleased you are doing well and enjoy your new job but don’t OVERDO things !!

Love Janet

HI Janet
Lovely to hear from you. I have been to hospital today for a check up after radiotherapy.They are really pleased with my progress.I have some tightness down my arm but he said to do more exercises and stretch more,if it doesnt improve in a few months I may need physio,but I feel really good Am only doing interviews for next few months, store doesn’t open until October so a good chance to ease back in.I will get in to see you and the girls.

I dont come on as much as I used to but like to keep in touch with people here who I have chatted to over the last few months,no doubt I will break away eventually.

Hope you get the advice you need

Take Care