MRI finally

After having a mastectomy in Oct 09… My right breast started to play up in Dec 09… i phoned my cancer nurse telling her my symptons she rush an appointment for the following week for needle core biopsy… the needle core biopsy showed nothing except my ducts were full of breast milk… before i had my mastectomy my blood tests show high elevation of pro lactin … 798 my result range is 102 - 496… my GP did say he thought I had a piturity gland tumour… not breast cancer…
the breast cancer nurse assured me nothin was wrong all was clear … but my dad died of a brain tumour in july 09…
So this is advice to all the ladies out there who are worried…
Get your blood results ask for a copy … and any letters sent to hospital or to GP…

last week they booked me in for another core biopsy as a put up and shut up… knowing it would come up clear…the 2 doctors who were in the ultra sound room questioned the fact i was producing breast milk… said i needed MRI and they would request it…after i told them my prolactin levels were elevated… I rings my breast nurse up Monday checkin to see if I had an appointment she said no request has been made or record … I had already gone to my GP nurse the previous Friday for routine Diabetes check … and I asked for a copy of the letter and blood results
So I repeated it down the phone to my nurse saying my GP had suspected a piturity Gland tumour because of the prolactin levels … I repeated them down the phone … Then told her my eldest daughter was having MRI on the 23rd for other reasons and my father died of a benign aggressive brain tumour July 09 …
Today I got the phone call Sarah we are putting you in for a MRI … your suspicions are right we need to check you …

so ladies keep a record don’t slip through the net … i will update you on my progress and hopefully it is not what i suspect … fingers crossed

Oh Sarah, what a time you’ve had and are still having. I don’t pretend to understand what the medical implications are but I’m thinking of you and sending you hugs across the ether. I hope your suspicions are not confirmed, we’ll be here for whatever happens.
Annys xxx

thanx annys,
well never a dull day lol …just waiting for my appointment in the post … again the waitin process begins … i don’t know whats more stressful the waiting or the knowing …

sarah xx

went to my GP…
Turns out he had refered me for a MRI scan … not breast cancer at all… He does not know how or why they did a mammogram … and that I was one lucky lady to have it done… But on the other flip of the coin… I may well have a piturity tumour which means surgery or life medication to stop it swelling… He said did they do a MRI at all in September 09… I said no… He said someone must be looking after you because that is one serious mess up … but then again they could of missed the cancer in ur breast … I don’t know what is worse…

Hi Sarah,

Hope you dont mind me posting, i read you’re post and thought i’d let you know about my experience.I was diagnosed with hyperprolatinaemia (pituitary tumour)'in 1994 aged 28 had a drug called Bromacriptin to shrink tumour, didn’t work as my prolactin level was too high, so i had op to remove tumour.IT’S 15 years since op and i have never needed medication.Good luck and please feel free to ask me any questions.Love Lesleyxx

Hi Sarah
so sorry to hear about all your hassles! my friend had elevated prolactin levels and was found to have a pituitary tumour. She had surgery (which she said wasnt really too bad) and has been fine every since without the need for medication. This was approx 10 years ago! hope this info gives you a little bit of a boost although i know nothing will compare to getting the all clear after the mri.
