MRI scan results wait

Hello, I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma last week after a punch needle biopsy. The mammogram was normal and the ultrasound inconclusive as the radiographer could not easily visualise the small palpable lump in my breast as it was directly behind my nipple.
My consultant said to expect surgery to remove what she thinks is a stage 1 small lump grade 2 - today i had an MRI scan of both breasts to help with diagnosis and treatment planning. I’m also going for pre-op assessment on Monday and the consultant’s secretary said there is no big waiting list for surgery currently.
Any rough idea of when the MRI scan results will be sent to my consultant and how soon afterwards surgery is likely to take place?
I asked the imaging team receptionist and she said likely up to 6 weeks which seems excessively long given cancer treatment pathways.
Any thoughts? I’m trying to plan my life and it’s hard as I am self employed and need to alert clients and family too but would like more complete information before I do.
Expert views welcome!
Thank you

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Hi . Unfortunately, waiting is part of a BC diagnosis .
They need someone to read the MRI , then present to the MDT team ( surgeon , nurse , oncologist ), as they can’t make a decision on their own . It has to be a group one . The MDT usually meet once a week.
You could chase your BC nurse ?

Thanks. Yes of course I appreciate scans need reports, reviews and team discussion. I was just surprised that everything this far has moved at lightning speed from my initial GP appointment to diagnosis and MRI - so the idea of a potential 6 week wait was a surprise and I wondered if it is perhaps wrong.
I will ask the nurse at pre-op on Monday.
Just that I am preoccupied with when to tell my family and scan results will be a pivotal moment in knowing my prognosis.
Best wishes and thanks for taking time to respond. X

Good advice to call BC nurse - I now have a better understanding of the routines and when MDT meetings take place and also my surgeon’s schedule.
Still many unknowns but I can used dates now for scenario planning.
Thanks again.

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Hi roxie1

Thank you for your post.

It’s understandable it would be helpful to know when you’re likely to get your MRI results and that potentially waiting 6 weeks feels like a long time.

It’s good to read that so far, you’ve experienced no delays in getting diagnosed but unfortunately, as @klf says, it’s not uncommon to experience longer waiting times for other scan results.

We hear from many people who, like you, feel they’re having to wait excessively long periods of time for their results and treatment start dates. Longer waiting times can be frustrating and the uncertainty can make it difficult to cope with a breast cancer diagnosis. Cancer Research UK have information about cancer waiting time targets to start treatment ( which may differ between the 4 UK nations) which you can read here.

It’s always important to let your breast care nurse know if you have any questions or concerns around your diagnosis and treatment. They can help to support you while you’re waiting for results and may be able to give you an idea of how long you may have to wait between getting your results and having surgery.

The timing of when to tell family and friends is always a personal choice. You may find some helpful information about this by following this link.

You also mention that you’re self-employed. It can be especially difficult when you’re waiting for further results and a surgery date to make plans for while you’re away from work. Macmillan Cancer Support and Working with Cancer both have good information to help support self-employed people diagnosed with cancer.

We offer a range of free supportive services for anyone who has had a diagnosis of breast cancer which you may be interested in. They include face to face and online courses and events.

For more details about all of these services, please see the information on the link, or call our free helpline.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000. If you have hearing or speech difficulties prefix our number with 18001 and the call will go through Relay UK. Our helpline has access to telephone interpreters so if language translation is required you can also call 0808 800 6000

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Best wishes


Breast Care Nurse

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