MRI scan with Sedation

Hi ladies

Has anyone had a breast MRI scan with sedation? The first time I tried to have a breast MRI I had to come out of the machine as I got myself into a bit of a panic. REcently I had an MRI pelvis which was much better as my head did not go into the machine.

Its all a bit of a nightmare as I really do have to have one and they are going to offer sedation - now I would like to know how they do this. Injection, tablets, etc. and what happens. Does it knock you out or just relax you???

Does anyone have any experience of this?

Many thanks, Grace

I am an MRI radiographer but not involved with breast imaging.
There are usually 2 ways to do MRI under sedation.

  1. Diazepam tablets or similar from your GP which makes you more relaxed.
  2. Actual sedation from an anaesthetist by injection which will send you into a light sleep.
    I don’t know what your hospital can offer as not all units have anaesthetic cover.
    I do wonder though that if you will find it easier now that you have managed a pelvis MRI.At least you have experienced the noise etc.Maybe the diazepam will be all you need just to take the edge off your anxiety.Could you take someone in with you to provide some support while in the scanner?
    Good luck,any questions ,just ask.

HI Dot

I freaked out on my first MRI so on the second try I had lorapam which the GP presecibed for me. which worked well. Just need someone to take you and pick you up as you can’t drive.

I am also a mri radiographer and would definitely suggest giving it a go with some valium/diazepam or similar. In my hospital it would either be this or completely asleep with an aneasthetic for those who don’t like it. Try it with the valium. Try taking a friend in the room with you - chances are you will be lying on your tum so they can sit at the other end of the tunnel so that you can see them. Make sure that you are comfy when they start -otherwise that will stress you out too.If you are given the choice take a Cd of something you like to listen to - but not anything too quiet as the machine will drown it out. Please have courage and have a go - they will get really good pics of your boobs!

Thank you very much for replying to this all of you. I don’t want to be under a general as I’m fed up with those now, 4 ops in 3 years :frowning: but the valium sounds like a really good idea.

Dot I’m glad you managed with the Lorapam - how long before the mri do you take it??


Just like to tell you that I managed to have my breast MRI today!!! I’m feeling really pleased as i really needed to have it done this time. I took 2mg of Diazapam which was great, just enough to make me relaxed. I kept my eyes tightly closed the whole time and it only felt like 10 minutes before i was out but it was about 30. They also let my husband in and he held my hand the whole time, although it did make his arm ache.

So, now just have to wait for the results, which I am worried about but at least I got through the first bit!

Good luck to anyone else having breast MRIs and don’t hestitate to ask for some sedation.


Grace, WELL DONE what a star!
It must be such a relief that you managed it.
Fingers crossed for fabby results!

For anyone with really bad claustrophobia (like me!) there is a private clinic in London where MRI scans are done with the patient standing up or sitting in a chair and are not in a “tunnel” at all.Don’t know how much they charge, but I expect it is expensive, but as I can’t even go in a lift, I did investigate it in case I ever need one!

Redders, sorry to put a damper on it but my oncologist investigated this and apparently the machine needs to have a breast coil, which is the bit that your boob/s go into while you lay on your tummy. So, no go with the open MRI. BUT, you can do it with a bit of sedation honestly, it worked so well for me.

Good luck
