mri scan

hi i am having an mri scan on tuesday should i be scared what does it involve and how reliable is it.

Hi Jal7777

I had an MRI scan back in July and it is not really scary and it doesn’t hurt. I had an injection at the beginning to put dye in my system, so no pain apart from needle jab. Then had to lie on my stomach with my boobs in two holes and arms above my head. It took about 25 mins I think, and unless you are claustrophobic you should be OK, but tell them if you are. The machine then moves you into a tunnel type thing where you have to just lie very still. Normally have head phones pumping some music into your ears, as the machine is very noisy. Sounds like a washing machine but very loud. Lots of clicking and whirring where the machines moves and takes pictures. It really doesn’t hurt though.

As for how reliable I have no idea, think it is supposed to be very good, but maybe some others might know.

Hope you get on ok and let us know.


oh thank you dawn i was dreading it as if not got enough to worry about. at least if lie on tummy its not like somthing over my head. yes i do get claustrophobic so i will mention it. when do you get results. what reasons do they do this for. are you ok i am waiting for mastectomy and recon but have queired the other one so nowhaving mri.
have a good day.
love julie xxxxxxxxxx


Had an MRI last week, it’s not painful but it is a bit undignified. Getting your breasts into position is awkward. I’m currently having chemo so wearing a wig which had to come off for the scan. If thats the case for you would advise taking a soft hat or scarf to wear.

In relation to it’s usefulness, the mamo and ultrasound hadn’t showen anything up re my tumour, the MRI was much more accurate. There has also been some research which shows that using an MRI pre chemo and after allows a much more accurate prediction of remaining disease free. As well as getting acurate measurements they will also look at the absorbtion rate of the contrast, this can allow them to asses the efficasey of chemo treatment. It is also used pre surgery to get accurate measurements and positions.

The consultant radiologist who did my MRI support more widespread use of MRI’s for breast cancer particularly in younger women.

Hope this helps



Hi Julie

I had to have MRI scan as my left boob was inconclusive through ultrasound, mamo and FNA - so wanted this to be done. The results I think can take a week or two, not really sure. You should ask them when you are there, and they should tell you. I think MRI scans are done when the ultrasound and mamos are definitive enough.

Apparently my left boob still inconclusive - so no idea what that means. My right boob has two lumps, no idea of size or grade, but also have liver mets (2 tumours - which was dx 10 days after told had bc). Have had 4 out of 6 chemo sessions (3 x FEC and gotta have 3 x Taxotere). Got my 5th chemo on Wednesday this week (2nd tax), so nearly done all that, not sure what happens then, might be herceptin. It is all a worry isn’t it, am absolutely terrified about my future I have to say, am only 39 and got two little ones under 4, so need anything and everything they can give me. Mastectomy is not an option though as got liver mets …

Don’t think really helped you much with my reply, but write down your questions and take with you to MRI scan, as they should be able to tell you.

Take care

Hi Jal7777

The worst part of the MRI scan I had was drinking the liquid beforehand, it tasted of metal!.
No really as the other ladies have said nothing to be worried about, I am claustrophobic but as it did not pass over my head, only the torso, legs and arms, I was able to cope just fine.

Good luck and like me I hope all is clear.


i had an mri a couple of months ago,
it was to check my heart as i’m on herceptin, and my echos were giving low results.
i was expecting an injection of dye but was told i didnot need to have it.
I had to ly on my back with stuff strapped onto my heart area, it took around 40minutes.

I was asked if i wanted to wear the headphones by the nurse before it started, i choose to wear them,
and when i went into the tunnel i did start to feel clustrophobic, so closed my eyes and concentrated on the music,
after a minute i opened my eyes and felt more relaxed.
There is no pain though.

good luck with your scan.


I had one just over two weeks ago. They put a portal into the vein in my arm as they wanted to inject the dye about halfway through. I had to lie on my tummy with my boobs through the holes, as mentioned above. The arm with the IV was kept straight out over my head, then other one under my head with my head turned to one side. I had an emergency call button in my hand as they wouldn’t be able to hear me during the scans. I didn’t feel at all claustrophobic as I wasn’t completely in the machine, I was put in feet first.

When I went into the room, it sounded like ChittyChittyBangBang on idle. I was given earplugs. There were headphones, but they were just for protection, no music. The ear plugs were recommended, so I used them. Each scan starts off with some clonking like a wooden xylephone, then a series of klaxons, the kinds of sound you think means you must evacuate the building. The scans lasted beteween 2.5 and 7 minutes each. They spoke to me in between the scans. The total time was about 45 minutes.

When I left, they had taped a cotton ball over where the IV had been. It wasn’t at all comfortable. I found a plaster in my car and replaced the cotton ball with that. Oh, the dye feels cold when it goes in, but that only lasts a second or two.

Good luck!

hi all
thank you for your replies i feel a bit better about whats going on. i just want tuesday to be over now. i do find i am wishing my days away now i have this. it seems just get mon over then another thing crops up just get wed over and that sums my life up at moment…
thanks for all wishes i just got to pray but it aint done me no good so far.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hiya, I had an MRI because I had an enlarged lymph node under my arm which tested positive for BC cells, but neither mammograms or two ultrasounds showed any sign of disease in my breast. The MRI results showed three tiny lesions…2 of them invasive ductal carcinomas. So MRI’s are more useful in detecting tumours where other methods have failed, especially if you have dense breast tissue.

It wasn’t scary, a bit noisy, and you have to keep very still so as not to blur the pictures! Mine took about 40 minutes, and I waited about a week for the results.

Good luck

hi thanks for that it will hopefully restore my faith in these tests. i have seen breast nurse today and i am having mri tomorrow and will have results fri and they will ring me. so once again wishing life away till fri… take care.x