hello ladies
well its my mri today and im going to do my best to try to stay in there for the 20 mins lol
this morning i think i found another lump
do i need to mention this to anyone or is that what the mri is for
it threw me a bit
same breast further down
is this unusual,or can it happen so soon after being seen,no one mentioned feeling anything else
I would mention it even though the MRI should pick up everything. Not all lumps can be felt initially I had a lump in my right side that could not be felt but was picked up on Ultrasound not mammogram.
Will be thinking of you
Brenda x
Good luck with the MRI,it will cover the new lump too so at least its getting investigated.
Remember you will be lying on an exotic beach sunning your back!
thankyou both
so there is no need to mention it? i wouldnt know who to anyway
i dont want to be a sobbing mess again today lol
I think you should mention it but to be honest they may not think it that important (to them)as it should all be covered .But its probably best to mention it so you know that you have given all information.
Have you got a nice noisy CD to take?
Chin up,you can do this!
Come back and tell us how it goes
Hi Lincs lady,
I hope this reply is not too late, and that you havent already set out for your MRI, if it is Grimsby hospital that you are having the MRI at, (made me think because they do breast MRI’s on a friday, and you being from Lincs like me) but they ask you where your lump/lumps are and tape a cod liver oil capsule to that part of the breast.
I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous, Ive had it twice now, but they say, its so that the radiographer can take a closer look at those particular areas,good luck
hi there
yes grimsby
im off after lunch, not that im eating i feel sick with nerves lol
Hi Again,
I know its easy to say, but please dont be nervous, as I said, I have one every 6 months and its no big deal, honestly, when youre laying on your front, your head is really close to the opening and you can see out of the end, much better than laying on your back, and the staff at Grimsby MRI are fantastic and reassuring, do point out your new lump though and they will stick a cod liver oil capsule on it.Make sure you get headphones on right before you go in as the machine is mega noisy, last time my headphones slipped of one ear and my goodness it was noisy.
take care
thankyou again
it wasnt as bad as i thought as with most things
pretty uncomfortable and noisy and i felt a bit warm when the dye went in
now the dreaded waiting game again