I’m just back from the hospital having had an MRI, I have to say that was the worst time ever…trying to get the drip in is one thing, where have all the veins gone when you need them? then laying face down with the holes for my boobs, which were so uncomfortable, then the NOISE. even with ear muffs I jumped out of my skin, every time the noise changed it was like getting an electric shock down my right side - horrible. I was screaming in pain and they kept telling me to stay still. I was screaming at them to stop. I am never having that done again.
Get restuls on Wed and then date for the Paget’s thingy to be cut off.
Oh well, cup of tea, slice of cake and another good weep.
Your experience today sounds horrendous, my heart goes out to you and that tea and cake sounds very well deserved. Hope you have a better day tomorrow, carrie x
Hey Karen you sound like you have had a really bad time of it.
I was so tired that I nearly fell asleep and had to stop myself in case I moved in my sleep. Just a bit hot though and I’m glad I took my wig off after the ladies advice.
take care
Hi Karen,
i have a really bad time with it aswell. i cant stand being in the tunnel all on my own i have to have someone in at the other end touching my head otherwise i start to hyperventilate! i cant stand the tunnel.
recently i have been having the CT scan which is great and over before i know it.
hope the results are positive. good luck
Thanks for your comments, I am never having that done again - I don’t care what they say! I’ve had all the other scans and they are nothing compared to that - I’m still feeling sick as i think about it, and my head is still pounding.
I have the results, but of course they are meaningless and we’ve an appt on Wed with the Onc to go over them, but I’ve got Paget’s Disease now, so as far as I’m aware that part of my recon has to come off.
Hey ho!