Msg for Owls4eva

Hi Karen

Just wanted to wish you all the very best for your op tomorrow - hope all goes well - will be looking forward to hearing from you when it’s all over

take care

Margaret x

Thank you so much Margaret means a lot. Where you pleased with your meeting? I’m not at the stage yet of wanting prognosis I’m finding one thing at a time working for me at the mo.

Suppose I should try and get some sleep I know I wont get a lot in hospital, let you know asap how it has gone and once again thanks for your wishes.

Sending Hugs



Hi Karen

Guess i should try that sleep thing too seeing as how its 2 am now - oh aren’t steroids a wonderful thing NOT lol

Yes I feel happier following meeting (not sure happier is the right word lol). I am just the sort of person who needs information, and given that I had a rough idea of basic prognosis, it was encouraging to hear the difference that the various treatments have the potential to make - though obviously I am aware there are no guarantees!

Makes the side effects a bit easier to suffer!

On a positive note -when I was in hospital (for 5 days in total, I actually slept much better than I thought I would - mainly cos, unlike at home, there isn’t much to distract you so I was generally curling up and going to sleep at 9 o’clock (woke early though lol )

take care

Margaret x

Hi Karen,
Just wanted to add my Best Wishes for your op, I have probably missed you but hope all goes well
Love Jillx

Hi Karen

Just seen a post from you on another thread - so assume you are home? Hope everything went ok

Margaret x

Hi Margaret

Sorry if I havent caught up with you yet so many posts to read blimey when you are in hospital you think nothing happens then out you come on here and WOW I think I will have a lazy day ready through all these posts then catching up on all my emails, nice to be loved ahhh.

Well all went well really caught an infection again but that could have been because I had that awful cold before I went in so was a bit run down anyway. I was soon put on antibiotics and tramadol (WOW) for the pain. I slept like a baby taking the tramadol.

I get my results next week and see surgeon week after (shes away on holiday but would sooner see her even if it means waiting an extra week) She is going to sort out my onc appointment so that I dont have to wait for that.

How are things with you Margaret I cant remember where you are upto just finished one lot of chemo I think?

Sending hugs



Hi Margaret

Should read first lot of Chemo DUR



Hi Karen

Sorry about the infection - but glad they sorted it for you!

I had to wait a week for results after op too - seems to be the norm. Hope all will be ok (if you know what I mean after all this !)

Yes you’re right I am chemo free at the moment - well on Day 7 after last one, so not quite free - but onto rads next on 21st Feb for 4 weeks - then the dreaded taxotere, then herceptin, then my daughters wedding lol - and omg then I climb Ben Nevis ! Oh what a busy life I’ve got lol.

Just bought a new hoover today (heaven knows why - I never used the old one haha) - it’s taken me all morning to put the damned thing together - I didn’t know it was coming as ‘self assembly’ - think the 9 yr old could have probably done it quicker! Have to say it’s excellent though, was a bargain at Currys reduced from 139 to 35 quid! Will train OH in the use of it as soon as he comes home. He’s gonna need it while I’m away in Edinburgh having my rads lol. Am concentrating on writing him a list today of all the things he has to keep on top of while I’m away Mon - Fridays - he has been warned that I will not be a happy bunny if I come home to housework and washing & ironing !

take care

Margaret x

Hi Margaret

What a busy bunny you are but it must be so nice to look forward to something other than hospital appointments!! From not goint to the doctors very often and curing myself when possible I now have the doctors number on speed dial. ha ha

Is it the norm to have chemo rads then more chemo - I tend to only look at what is happening next not sure I like too much information.

Are you all ready for your daughters wedding - how are you managing to fit everything in - you must be meeting yourself coming back!

Wow the Ben Nevis climb sounds exciting - can I sponsor you - sorry if you have already said about this and I have missed it.

Your hoover sounds like a bargain so nice of you to treat OH spoil him why dont you.

Sending hugs



Hi Karen

I’m not sure there is a ‘norm’ where treatment is concerned lol - some seem to have all their chemo then the rads, other have rads then chemo and others have chemo, rads, chemo - I honestly have no idea how they decide which is right for you.

Daughters wedding is all sorted - fortunately she is a very organised 21 year old (whereas I am a very disorganised 46 year old lol). She has just been this weekend to finalise all the menus for the reception etc etc - and as far as I know everything else is booked - my spare bedroom is full of bridesmaids dresses and her dress, tiaras, jewellry, wedding invitations (that I’m supposed to be printing !!) and other paraphenalia!
I don’t feel like I’ve been a great deal of help really - whenever she has an appt anywhere it’s always 2 or 3 days after my chemo and I don’t feel like going. Fortunately as her future mother in law only has the one son, and no girls - she treats my daughter like her own and has been really involved (without being interfering!) - so she’s been a great help. I’ve just waved my credit card where needed haha (though that will have to stop soon !!)

Thank you for offering to sponosor me. I keep saying about it everywhere lol - and people ask for the link and then I can’t remember where I’ve posted it. I can’t post the link in a public message here, but will send you a PM giving the link. I’ll post the PM on this thread so you can find it (I hope lol)

Let’s just hope OH feels spopilt when he gets home - I think not somehow! (and do I care…??? :slight_smile:

best wishes
Margaret x

Hi Margaret

Have done that all sorted - read my threading drinking joke it tickled me



Hi Karen

Thank you so much xxx
off to read your thread now !

Margaret x

Hi Margaret

Got my results yesterday from the mastectomy and have got clear margins thankfully. It is such a releif after not getting clear margins from the WLE. The nurse confirmed that I will be having Chemo and rads but wont really know any more until my appointment with surgeon next week. I should then hopefully hear from the onc as to when everything will start happening.

I have been so stressed waiting for these results, I now feel like a heavy weight has been lifted.

Sending hugs



Hi Karen

I’m so pleased for you. Obviously you still have a lot to come. but rest assured it’s all do-able (if a tad unpleasant at times!)

I can imagine how stressed you have been - I’ve been really fortunate as I hav never had to wait too long for any results - even after mastectomy, I got the path reports 7 days later, so allowing for the recovery time after op etc, and being released from hosp, by the time I was home, it was almost time to go back for results!

My chemo started 15 days after my mastectomy - so no hanging about there either.

Let me know how you get on next week - I won’t be online as much after next week because my radiotherapy starts on 21st Feb, and I have to go and stay in Edinburgh Mon-Fri for 4 weeks - was gonna take my laptop with me but have decided I’ll just rely on internet cafes (hopefully!).

take care - go have a big drink & celebrate!

Margaret xxx