Hi Ladies,
I’m due for a MUGA (heart function) scan tomorrow cos I’m on Herceptin. Trouble is I’ve gone down with flu and been shivering and shaking all day, either freezing cold or raging hot. I was just wondering if it might affect the results? The last thing I want is a dodgy result and them telling me I can’t have herceptin any more!! Has anyone got any experience/thoughts on this?
Many thanks
Hi Jacquie
Just seen this. When I had my first heart scan to start Herceptin, I was full of cough and cold, and I did ask the technician if would affect it and he said no. So hopefully you will be OK hun!!! I was so worried that would affect it, think that was why had an emotional few days back then, but all came good and started the Herceptin 2 days later.
4 days to go … and counting … am so nervous, are you?
just a question - how is a MUGA different to an echocardiogam? I’m having one of those tomorrow as I’m due to start Hercptin soon?
I had an echocardiogram, and it was basically an ultrasound on the heart and surrounding area. No injection or anything, so no pain. Took about 20 mins I think, can’t remember, was so nervous.
Good luck for tomorrow Muddy and hope goes OK. Sure it will. And herceptin is fine, no side effects, I just have permanent runny nose (but that is since November LOL). Apparently can get flu like symptoms and say to take 2 paracetamol 4 times a day for first 2 days after having it.
Take care
Thanks Dawn
Scan was easy peasy! No problem and guy (yes tahts right a man!!) said heart looked fine. I don’t have a date yet to start herceptin - number 23 or radio today - looking v pink.