mulitple surgery

hi everyone has anyone had to have more than 2 surgeries .i have had lumpectomy and margin done now they want to take more they say they have the gremlin but margins are still close .Thinking should i go for mac as keep having ops are distressing and i bruise concideerable each time and get bleeds…My consultant says i dont need it the margin should be enough  linda


I had lumpectomy in November after being diagnosed with DCIS and a tiny bit of invasive cancer.  They couldn’t get clear margins.  I was offered a choice - another go at getting clear margins or mastectomy.  i opted for another go - " a cavity shave" they called it - in December.  But again they didn’t get clear margins.  so I had a mastectomy and reconstruction in January. Results showed that there was more cancer lurking in there but they got it this time, so I don’t need any radiotherapy or chemotherapy, which is a bonus! 

Yes, it is cr#p having to have more than one operation - time off work, recovery, worry, family etc.  But I wanted to give it a chance and try to keep my breast.  We could always think, “what if…” and with hindsight I could have saved myself a lot of trouble by having a mastectomy in the first place, but I listened to the surgeons and nurse and went with their suggestions.  I don’t regret it, but I do know other ladies opt for the mastectomy straight away.  Its a tough call.  Good luck with whatever decision you make.  xx Jane

Hi amerthey,


yes that happened to me. I had a WLE and a SNB. At the results meeting the surgeon said that they got everything but the margin was not as wide as they would have liked. I went back in shortly after for a second op to get better margins - that was called a cavity shave. I was the first on the list that day and back home at lunchtime.


I was very bruised as well but didn’t bleed. The bruising subsides in time though. The second op was successful and they got everything they needed.


Good luck with everything. I know how difficult it can be waiting for surgery and results - and going back in again just prolongs it. Take care xx

hi everyone had my macectomy on tues very tired and uncomfortable due to drains .Had lymph nodes removed so my right arm above elbow is numb will this get better in time .just hope i can heal better this time been so long now havent driven since december been stuck in bed with the bleeding for last 3 months i so hope all the cancer has gone now.