Okay I recently found this page and I need some advice I noticed these posts date back a few years but hopefully people still keep up w this to give me advice. I am 19 and I had my first fibroadnoma last year. The surgeon suggested I had it removed and I did. Now less than a year later I felt another hard lump and I got an ultrasound and I now have 3 lumps one very deep that the ultrasound lady seemed quite concerned about. However, I currently do not have health insurance so the surgeon does not want to operate. I do not not know what to do I am very concerned with these lumps and even more concerned that the ultra sound lady seems very worried as well. Also, is this normal to have so many grow back in such a little amount of time? They are on the opposite side of my breast as the first one I had removed.
Hi Madi_flu
I am sorry that you havent recieved any response as yet. You understandably sound worried. We do have an area on the Forum where you can Ask Our Nurses any question and they will get back to you within UK working hours. We are a UK Forum and so any treatment options would be based on what is available within the UK and therefore may not be applicable to you. Particularly the issue concerning medical insurance. However, please do reach out as their is always support to be found here.
Best wishes
Digital Community Officer
Madi, where are you in the world - do you have a public health system as well as private,if so could they look into your concerns ? It is very unusual to have breast cancer at your age so may well be further fibros - can you have biopsy on the area that the radiologist is concerned about ?
Read this and it completely related to me! Hopefully my experience can help you
When I was 19 I had 2 fibroadnoma’s removed, one which was over 6cm in size and the other only 3cm.
1 year later I felt more had grown back.
So I went back to doctors(last year) and they done biopsy’s and said theres nothing malicious/cancerous so it was my decision whether to have them removed or not as they were small fibroadnoma (3/4cm).
I decided not to get them removed as I had scarring from my first surgery, and they were small and non-cancerous so I thought it best to just leave them, which I’m glad i did.
Recently (in November 2017) I went back for a check up, and since last year they’ve almost doubled in size, so theres now 3 fibroadnoma, 2 of which are 8cm according to ultrasound.
I have been advised by the doctor that if fibroadnoma grow bigger than 5cm, they advise to have them removed as although they are not cancerous the larger they get the more chance of something malicious growing inside.
I’ve decided to postpone any surgery for at least 6months, as I have smaller ones which they wouldnt remove as it is only 3cm, so knowing my luck if i were to have them removed now, the smaller ones will get bigger by next year which will mean i’d need another surgery.
So I’ve postponed getting them removed till next year summer time, and the Doctors were happy with it as theres nothing cancerous/tumorous with them and it’ll avoid scarring by having numerous surgeries. But they did say they would deffo have to remove them next year and I wont be able to postpone any longer.
So dont worry that they have grown back so quickly, it’s not affected my health at all. I would advise that if they are only small dont worry too much about them, you’d rather not go through surgery every year and have loads of scarring. They dont actually know why they grew back so fast but again because there not malicious Doctors arent worried and neither am I.
Hope I helped x