mum diagnosed with breast cancer

my mum is very frail with numerous medical conditions and we just found out she now has breast cancer. the consultant has arranged an appointment to check if she is strong enough to have an operation, however, i think she will not be. he has already said that she is not strong enough for chemo etc so what will this mean for my mum? we only found out the other day and to be honest i didnt ask the right questions as i suspect i was in shock and to be honest i still am. can anyone recommend the right questions to ask when we go back?
thank you for taking the time to read this.

Hi skyepie

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where the users of this site have a wealth of knowledge and experience between them and I am sure will be along shortly to give you the much needed support. To compliment this our helpline team are just a free phone call away to support you. 0808 800 6000, lines open Mon - Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Hello Skypie,
I guess it depends what other medical conditions your Mum has, but there will be alternative drug therapies they can use instead of Chemo. Ask the consultant what action plan he has in mind. The drug therapy will alos depend on your Mums age whether she is pre or post meno pausal. When do you next go to the hospital with your Mum ? Remember to try and take a little note book with you and if you dont understand anything , just ask them to stop and explain in more detail. We all absorb information at different rates so let them know. When your Mum is allocated a breast cancer nurse you will be helped enormously by her . So in the meantime just take it one step at a time and be with your Mum as much as your own family situation will allow. Let us know how things progress for your Mum and tell us her name so we can hold her in our thoughts. Love Tracy xxx

Hello Skyepie, How is your Mum doing ? Let us know what is happening so we can think of her. Tracy x