Mum diagnosed

I’m so scared
My mum was diagnosed 16 years ago and had mastectomy and radiotherapy
She had just had a biopsy and it’s come back, she also got a blood clot
She only had a mamogram 4 months ago. She is having a bone and brain scan - find results out on Wednesday
I feel so angry and upset and finding hard
to support my mum even though I know it’s the right thing to do I suffer from depression
Please could anyone give me any support x

Hi Lisa and welcome to the BCC forums, I am sure your fellow users will be along to support you and your Mum very soon

Our helpliners are also on hand for you on 0808 800 6000, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2 so do feel free to call to talk things through

Tale care
Lucy BCC

Im so sorry, this is what im dreading the most, my mum is only 3 years out and it terrifies me… I hope she gets good results from the scans and that it is again treatable maybe even curable this time. Treatment has come a long way in 16 years so don’t worry until you have to. 
Wish you and your mum the best of luck xxxxxxx

Hi Lisa


How did your mum get on?  I know what you are going through my mum has just started treatment after being diagnosed with secondary breast cancer to the bones, liver and pleura.  My mum has just started her chemotheapy treatment today and her oncologist and nurses were all very positive.  When she was initially diagnosed I was in shock and I thought the worst but the treatments they can offer have come along way and I advise you to read some of the inspiring stories on here.


Although she is having treatment I feel angry and low people don’t seem to understand. I live 3 hours away from my mum and although she has got my dad I feel guilty leaving her and not being able to be there to look after her all of the time.  As for support this is a great place to start people your not alone anytime your finding things hard drop me a message.



The bone scan shows changes in her bones
Awaiting results for ct scans
My mum not being open about treatment available and what this means
So I’m very confused x

Hi Lisa

Perhaps your mum is trying to protect you? Do you go to her appointment with her? I felt better once I had saw my mums doctor and talked things through with her as she was very positive.
