Mum has cancer

My mum was recently diagnosed with Paget’s disease of the breast with invasive breast cancer. She noticed the symptoms right away in her left breast and the doctors confirmed it was cancer. She went for a mastectomy of the left breast and initially the doctors didn’t know if there was a tumour but during surgery they found one against the breast bone under the breast. She also had it in some of the lymph nodes under the armpit which they removed too. Her CT scan came back showing it hadn’t spread to any other organs which is good, I guess? But we are still awaiting results from the bone scan and also to hear what stage it is at. She has been prescribed 3 months of chemo to start with and has had a chemo-port inserted under the skin on her chest for the chemo treatments.
I am so worried about her. If there is anyone out there with a similar story or any words of advice then please help.

Hi Michelle sorry to hear about your Mum this will be a worrying time for you. I am from the November starters thread so had my chemo from bonfire night last year to mid February it is not a nice experience but very worth while in most cases. It is good that it has not spread to other organs so with her mastecomy and node clearence the cancer will of been removed and the chemo will target any stary cells. The side effects can be bad for some but not for all and the Oncologists are usually good a prescribing meds to combat them if needed. The best advice I can offer is stay positive don’t give in to it and fight all of the way. I have just had a clear Mammo so chemo worked for me. You will find lots of support and advice on this forum and our thread had a daughter looking for advice for her Mum who had been diagnosed. It certainly helped me through the tough times and it will you too and you will never feel you are on your own. If you have any questions always post them on here and someone will be able to help you. Wishing your Mum an easy as possible journey…stay strong… Love Sue xx

Thank you so much for your reply :slight_smile: really appreciate it. She also got her bone scan back today and it’s clear so that’s all the scans done. Tomorrow we have an appointment to check on the mastectomy scar and determine if she is fit to start chemo. Thanks again and I will stay positive and fight by her side to the end