Mum has gone for yearly mammo results worried

Mum was diagnosed with lobular three years ago and had partial mastectomy, rads, and letrosole. She went back at two for her mammogram results. I have not heard from them and am starting to fear the worst that it’s come back. Sitting here crying as this feels like final straw.

oh stargazer… dont get ya self in to panic mode, the clinic is probably running late… they usually do … it does not mean anything is amiss… make yourself a cup of tea and take a few deep breaths , thinking of you xx angie

Still not heard I am so worried.

Hi sweetie I think id be the same & probably wore a hole in the floor keeping everything crossed that she may just have got held up

Mekala xx

stargazer… they have most likeley been held up in the clinic… then they are bound to have gone for a coffee, or some lunch … then they have to find the car, on probably a massive car park … then battle the roads home… make another cuppa… go a walk up the garden… and big breaths xxx

I’m thinking of you (and your Mum)too - the waiting is just awful & you’ve had more than enough to cope with lately!

Jen xxx

Just had a call from my dad his battery was flat on phone. It’s clear thank god!! Really feared the worst today x

aww, fantastic news SGL, what a relief for u x

clicking the <phew> button</phew>

hey GREAT news xx
Lizz xx

how fantastic is that , calls for another cuppa and big sigh of relief xxx

Thanks ladies, we were due some good news!!! What a relief, I was convinced when I didnt hear straight away it had come back. I even rang the Marsden up asking if she was still waiting to go in!!! I explained that I wasnt just being a neurotic family member and that I had bc too and they were really nice and helpful!