Mum is dying of breast cancer and the hospice are chucking her out!

Can anyone help please?
Mum has terminal breast cancer and the hospice want her to move to a nursing home which nobody wants. Is there any way we can keep her in the hospice?

Hi Tattontastic

I’m sorry to hear about your mum and the situation you find yourselves in.  Could I suggest you give our helpline team here a ring, lines are open now until 5pm tonight (Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2)

Take care,

Jo, Moderator

Dear Tattontastic


I’m afraid I know nothing about hospices and the way they work. I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear your mum has terminal breast cancer and of the situation you find yourselves.  I do hope you find some way for her to stay in the hospice instead of moving her out to a nursing home. Sending prayers, hugs and love.


poemsgalore xx

I am very sorry to hear about your Mum. It sounds rather harsh if Mum is being moved out, but perhaps her needs could be met better with in a nursing home at present. my husbands Father had his last few days in a Hospice near us and they were very good for being there for my father in law, to hold his hand (when we couldn’t be there)and offer pain relief and comfort.
But if their needs are more complex in may not be the right place at present. Does Mum have feelings on it?
Sending you all prayers at this difficult time.
J x