Mum just Diagnosed.

Hi all. This is my first post so bare with me.
Last week my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has a large mass in her breast. She has also got skin cancer on the same breast. The skin is red right across her chest both sides and the skin cancer is like small dark red/purple lines. Her nipple is inverted. She has had a biop. The hospital tested her heart and the results came back as “unsatisfactory” so more tests to be carried out for that. She is having a heart ultrsound, chest, pelvis,abdomin and bone x-ray, and a body scan all in the next 2 weeks.
She has kept it a secret from my father and the family, so we dont realy know how long she has had this. She says 2 months but were not sure.
Im worried its been left too long, dont know what i would do without her.
She is coping better than all of us at the moment.

Sorry to see you here, and no doubt you are worried sick just at the moment.

You are probably at one of the worst times in the BC journey - just diagnosed, but wondering what the position actually is.

At the moment the main aim for the docs is working out just what they are dealing with.

Whatever the position, it does get a little easier to deal with once you know what you are dealing with, and what the treatment plan is going to be.


So sorry to hear how worried you are - I agree with all that Paul has said i.e. once you know what the plan is it really does become more bearable to cope with - its this uncertainty and waiting that can be absolute agony.
My heart goes out to you because I do know how much of a worry and shock it is when you are suddenly faced with this.
As well as supporting your Mum try and make sure you have got some support for yourself too - this site is a good place to visit because everyone is very supportive, also, everyone says the helpline are good too so give them a ring if you feel like it.
Wishing you and your Mum all the very best and hope you get this sorted soon.
Esbee x

Hi wacky racer

Welcome to the forums, I’m sorry to read of your Mums recent diagnosis. As well as the support you are receiving from the other users if you would like to talk things through please do give the BCC helpline a call. Here you can share your feelings and concerns with a trained member of staff who will offer you emotional support as well as practical information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 9 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator


What a blow for you all, and what a worrying time waiting for all the results.She must be a brave lady to have kept it a secret, and must care for you all very much and have wanted you not to worry.

The next few weeks are going to be a turmoil of tests, waiting for results and a roller coster of emotions for the whole family.

There will be people along soon that have had scans to see if their cancer has spread who will be able to share their experiances. Also tomorrow you could ring up the help line who will be able to give you information on all the tests your mother is having.

Your dad must be going through it too, men do not always express what they are feeling and he may need you to reach out to him to give him support.

All I can say is that I am very sorry about your mum, she is lucky to have a daughter that cares so much.

do come back on here whenever you need to talk more about your worries, no matter how small they seem to you, everyone understands how lost and scared you feel at the bigining of all this

Hi Wackyracer

I’m so sorry you have reason to be on here, and I’m sure your mum will be very glad of your support. It’s a horrible thing to have the BC atom bomb go off in your house.

Just a thought, I was more worried about my family than myself, so if you and your dad can have a talk together and agree to support each other, your mum will probably feel much better knowing that you are supporting each other as well as her.

Can’t add anything else really, just sending you and your family my best wishes.


Thanks everyone for all your comments and kind words.
Its nice to see people really do care.
my wife had a stroke after an accident at work 2 1/2 years ago and i care for her, have spend alot of time in hospitals over that time with her. Thought that life was getting a bit better as we were all getting used to the change in my families life. Now this bombshell. Am close to my dad and will stick together and get though this and fight it with my mum!

oops! showing my age there, assumed it was only daughters that worried about their mums. Sorry, thats silly, my sons are just as concerned. In fact I have been touched by how much they showed they care. we are not a touchy feely, live in each others pocket family and they have not visited any more than they would have before, but I now get instant chatty replies to any email I send and the odd phone call when i was not expecting it.

Sorry to hear about your wife. Cancer does not seem to care which family it hits. yet another blow to what seems to be a nice family.



Dear Mark,
Hoping that your Mum is getting through the tests OK. The fact that she seems to be coping better than the rest of you seems to suggest that she is relieved to have told you all at last. I found telling my sons, not much younger than you, absolutely the hardest part of all of this, but have also found their support since has been one of the best bits. My husband has been great throughout, but I feel could have done with more support himself, so great to hear that you are there for your Dad as well.
Just make sure that you leave some time for you to relax with your OH, to look after yourself and her.