
My daughter Loocie is undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer that was diagnosed in June this year. She has undergone quadrectomy, axilliary clearance and is currently on treatment five - has had three treatments with FEC and one TAXOTERE - next one on Monday.

I wonder if there are any other mums out there with daughters facing treatment. It has not been an easy journey so far, some weeks harder than others but I would be happy to share OUR experience in the hope of maybe easing some of the anxieties and distress caused by having to stand on the side-lines.

what a lovely mum you are. unfortunately my own mum has dementia and while for a lot of the time she lives in blissful ignorance of my condition she does sometimes undertand and remember that i have breast cancer but says im ‘too fit and well to be poorly’ bless her. im giving you and all the othr mums, dads, hubbys, partnrs and children helping and supporting us through this horrible journey x x

Hi tippy1, thank you for your kind remark. It must be an extremely difficult time for you with the additional anxiety about your own mum’s condition. One thing I have learned along the road of this particular journey is that everyone with bc has to dig very deep and it is amazing how much inner strength there is that can be tapped into when the need arises. I cannot look at any of the people we meet in the ChemoSuite or Clinic without having the utmost admiration for them.

Best wishes to you,