mum triple neg

hello everyone

i am looking for some advice-

i have not posted on this site for a while however have been logging in each day for advie since my mum was diagnosed with triple neg BC in July 07.

i am pleased to say that the chemo is all over and rads has just begun and so far everything is going well. the problem is not my mum its me, i am driving myself mad with worry about reccurance, and mets to the extent it is effecting my daily life. how will we know if the cancer has returned or there is any mets? i know that no one knows what awaits then around the corner, but i think that i have convinced myself that there is no light at the end of the tunnell. i read about all the long term survivors but not often tripple neg people. i don’t really know what advice i am looking for, but anything is much appreciated.

i admire all of you ladies who can provide the support to others while fighting your own battles, you are an insperation to us all.


I was diagnosed with triple neg BC in Dec '03 and I’m still well and happy!..Look on the bright side - triple neg tumours respond much better to chemo than hormone positive ones.When I was first diagnosed I hadnt heard of anyone else triple neg until I came on here.There are quite a lot of us - many of them further down the line than me.

Love Josie x

Really don’t know what you should ask- I tend to get most of my information on the net(my oncologist actually told me to come on here to get some answers!)Research has shown that drinking green tea benefits triple neg more than other types of bc,also keeping the weight off and walking for at least half an hour every day.It may not be to everyones liking but I also went dairy free whilst on chemo after reading Jane Plant’s book, ‘Your Life In Your Hands’ I don’t know if it’s the reason I’m still cancer free but it sure hasn’t done me any harm and really makes me feel that I’m doing my bit - which was very important when I first finished treatment and everyone else was on Tamoxifen etc.Good luck with next weeks checkup - I still hate going for mine. I’m still going twice yearly to onc and yearly mammo/checkup at bc centre.

Love Josie x

thanks josie

hope you are well, you comments are v much appiciated