Mum turning to cannabis to cope

My mum was told she had breast cancer just over a year ago. She had treatment but at her recent CT scan she was told she had a 4 cm tumour on her liver and a few spots on it as well. She was just told this on Thursday by the surgeon and is seeing an oncologist this Thursday for next steps…?

Naturallly she is very upset with the news and being told by the surgeon to get chemo ASAP. My brother went to visit her on the weekend and gave her some cannabis brownies. I spoke to her last night and she seemed like a different person. She is second guessing the surgeons take on the situation and was talking about all sorts of things like nothing was wrong. I don’t know if it’s denial or being stoned.

I don’t want her to be so distressed that she can’t sleep or stop crying…but I am concerned she has decided to take cannabis as a way to cope…I can’t figure out if it’s just me being selfish because I don’t want to lose my mum to ‘spaced out mum’.

Hi Judyblue

I am sorry to read that you have this worry about your Mum, if you feel it would help to talk things over, our helpliners are on hand with support 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000

Take care
