Mum worrying too much

My mum found out yesterday that she has DCIS, but she has been told she is in very early stages. I’'m supporting her the best i can and letting her talk openly to me about what she’s feeling but for about a week and especially these past two nights she’s been talking about what she wants to happen when she dies from this!!! I don’t know what to do or say apart from reassure her that she will not die from this. This is the second time she has been diagnosed with breast cancer, i don’t know how severe it was last time as i was only a baby but she has said it was slightly worse before and she got through that fine. I don’t know what to do because i know she worries about what would happen if she was to die but she’s gotten to stage now that she truly believes she will die from this!! It’s getting me so upset that whenever she starts talking about it i have to leave, and then i feel really bad for leaving her. I’m afraid that she’ll think that i don’t care, but i don’t know how to stop her from telling me she’s dying because i know she’s not!! Please let me know any advice you may have for me. Thank-you.

Hi Emulet

I am sorry to read that you and your Mum are going through such a difficult time, BCC have written a factsheet about DCIS which you both may find helpful to read, it contains information about other support BCC can offer you too, you can read it via this link:

Best wishes

Hi Emulet, I don’t know what advice to give you, but sure that someone will be along soon to offer you both some. I would like to give you my best wishes and love take care junieliz

Let her vent her fears - she knows as she has been through the mill that even with DCIS there is a REMOTE possibility that things can go pear shaped and she probably is thinking here we go again, and OK its DCIS this time, but what about the time after that? I don’t want to worry you - but only to point out that she lost faith in her body and given a little time and reassurance (from a lovely caring daughter) she will be able to build her self up to have confidence she can get through this.
