
Hello. Mum was diagnosed in March 12 years after her original diagnosis. She has a small tumour in her lung and one in her lymph node. She is on Ibrance and letrozole. She is on her 3rd cycle nearing her week off and feels dreadful. Shaky, nervous, sickly. Is this normal? She’s had a good 10 days or so feeling pretty normal and now back in bed. She’s in Sheffield, I live in Oxfordshire and it’s hard. My bestest friend. The news still and I don’t think will ever sink in for us especially after so long since she was originally diagnosed. She’s 75 but looks a lot younger. I know there is a support group in Sheffield but obviously given the current situation isn’t meeting up. I would love to find someone for her to talk to going through the same thing. Thankyou 

Hi a late, I’m sorry no one has replied. As you are probably aware, the same diagnosis and treatment works very differently on each individual as we are all unique. I am on the same combo of drugs as your mum, but was unable to tolerate the Ibrance . My neutrophils crashed, I picked up every little germ and I was hospitalised almost monthly. However, my Onco saw what was happening, talked me through possibilities and altered dosages and rest periods. It did take nearly a year to get me stabilised but I’m motoring along…or I was until the pandemic! I’m on 75mcgms, 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. I’m 73.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, this is a conversation for you to have with your mums Onco . She really doesn’t sound wonderful and I know I would have phoned before now fir help. Best wishes. X