Mummy would like to say BYE

Hi Ladies,

For any of you out there who remember me and my beautiful amazing mother, she finally fill to sleep on Monday, peacefully and pain free, her 17 year battle with cancer is now over, I know she is in a better place now, but that wil never stop me from loving and missing her.
I would like to wish all of you all the luck and love in fighting this disease, stay strong and keep positive, make sure you keep your humour it is important, and live life to the full, get all the love and support you can, it is the best medicine of all.
Love to you all and thankyou for listening to me throughout the years,

Lisa, (mums angel)

Hi Mums
thanks for posting. You will never stop loving and missing your dear mum. it was 4 yrs on Monday since i lost mine to breast cancer. I was then diagnosed 18 months later so its been a rough ride. How i miss my dear mum her sense of humour her love her affection and her whole being. Look at pictures, think of the good times and enjoy life as i am sure thats what she would want you to do.
You take Care and feel free to post here anytime.

thinking of you

Dear Lisa. I am so sorry to hear that your mum has died, but glad to know that she was peaceful and free from pain. In the middle of all your sadness it is so thoughtful of you to send a message to us. How very lucky your mum was to have your love and strength beside her every step of the way, it must have been such an enormous comfort to her. Now, I hope that there are friends/family in your life that can be something of an angel to you, and that you yourself are being loved and cared for at this sad and difficult time. We will be thinking of you. Sarah.

Dear Lisa

On behalf of the Breast Cancer Care Moderation team I would like to offer you our sincere condolences.

Our thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time.

Kind regards


Thank you for posting, I wish you every strength in your loss and know that you have lots of good times with your Mum to sustain you. Please feel free to post if you ever want to share those ‘good times’ with us (and the bad ones too if that helps you).
Thinking of you

Dear Lisa

Thank you for sharing this sad time with us. Your mum would be very proud of you showing such strength and being able to reach out to others at this most painful of times.
Cherish all the memories - nothing but nothing can take them away from you.the good times.
Laugh; cry; scream; but always share - I believe we all need to. Thank you and God Bless - Diane x

Thinking of you and your family x x

Dear Lisa

So sorry that you had to tell us the sad news. You have been a tower of strength and support to your dear mum throughout her CA journey. Cherish the memories (good and bad) and do post if it helps at all.

My thoughts are with your and your family.


As a Mother myself, I would like to say how wonderful it must have been for your Dear Mother to have you to support her and how much she must have cherished every moment spent with you. You must have given her a heart and soul full of memories to treasure and take with her to her special place.

All my love and hugs to you and your family

neenie xx

Hi Lisa

My thoughts are with you and your family at this time.

As a mum with BC and a caring daughter I feel I know just how proud your mum will be of you right now.
I am sure she is saying ‘Thank you so much my beautiful daugher, I love you so very much’.

Take care, take time


Hi again Lisa,

I hope you don’t mind I would like to share this poem sent to me following my beloved dad’s death (Blasted cancer too)

by: Amber Destiny Crews

they tell me you have passed on
though i don’t believe them
they say your soul is long gone
but i say you’re still breathing
as i look at your pictures
i imagine the old days
when i sat on your lap
as i make different faces
i never thought you would leave me
as i lay here in the grass just thinking
i know your presence is always near
far apart i know no fear
as i look into the sky
i amagine your face
holding me tight
and saying our grace
all i have to say before i go
i love you forever
here and alone

x Carol