Hi everyone, I’m pretty new on here. My mum was diagnosed last week and has to go for a mastectomy on the 21st December. As you’d expect shes scared and nervous of the op and whats gona happen afterwards. We go for her pre assessment this afternoon so will be able to ask more questions then.
What I’d really like to know, from people who’ve been there, is this. My mum is concerned that she’s not gona be well enough to have Christmas dinner. We have a table booked at a local restaurant for a family dinner. The bc nurse said she should be out for Christmas day and should be fine to go out for lunch, although she will probably still have drains in, she should be able to hide tham easily enough.
You guys have been there, is this right? How big are the drains? Do you think she’ll be well enough to even be discharged for Christmas day let alone go out for lunch?
I’ve told her we can sort something out if she can’t make it, and that it’s more important she gets looked after properly. But you know what mums are like. She wants to be there.
I am 39 and had my mastectomy 2 years ago, was in for 4 days and drains (2) were both out by day 3. I did have to go back for manual draining for a couple of times after that but not too bad. If your Mum comes home with drains in they are a bit cumbersome, but wrapped in a pillowcase and tucked discreetly into a belt would work.
She certainly should feel OK, the op itself was actually fairly minor, it’s getting your head round the rest that may be a problem, If I were her I would go and have a good time AND plenty to drink!!!
i am so sorry she is joing the ranks of us here but I amsure with the support of her family she will be OK.
Hi Jan and thanks for your reply, thats what I was hoping to hear.
If, like you the drains are out by day 3 she may even get those out before she leaves hospital, which would be a bonus. I’ve stocked up on micropore tape just in case we need to use that to help keep the drains taped out of sight.
I understand about the psychological side of things, especially as mum isn’t exactly flat chested shall we say. But all credit to her, she seems to be doing really well and is pretty philosophical about it. She’s looking on it as a means to an end and if this is what it takes to save her life then it’s a small price to pay. Hopefully after the surgery she’ll still be able to stay as positive.