Hi everyone, new to this site but have found all your comments very useful. My mum has just recieved her gene test results after being dg with bc in Novemeber and has just finished her chemo treatment, the results have proved as she has thought for some years that she does have the BRAC1 gene, i have now been offered mammogram screening and the gene test, i am 34 and feel confused at my risk factor just knowing she has the gene without my result!..anyone in the same postion as me that can offer some advice would be gratefully recived.
Hi weathergirl. just bummping… hope you get some replies. debx
Hi weathergirl and welcome to the BCC forums.
In addition to the support you will receive here please feel free to call our helpline where you can talk through your concerns with someone in confidence. the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2 on 0808 800 6000.
You may also find our ‘Breast cancer in families’ publication helpful to read, here’s the link:
Take care
I am sorry to hear of your mother and the BRCA1 gene positive test. I had lots of genetic testing and I believe the BRCA genes are autosomal dominant which basically means you have a 50% chance of inheriting the gene. I know that probably sounds really scary but it also means you have a 50% chance of not having the gene. Whether or not you get the test is a personal choice. I thought it through and decided that I wanted to know as there are many steps you can take to prevent breast cancer if you know you have a high risk of developing it. The waiting for the results is horrendous as you feel totally out of control and in limbo. Why don’t you get a mammogramm done anyway for the time being?