Music We Like!

Went to a Humphrey Lyttleton evening last night. Now Jazz isnt me i would think but hubby loves it. I thought it was fantastic too, suprised myself.
Amazing what sort of music we can like when we are put in that situation.
so come on girls favourie music please!!!

I saw Prince last night- he was very good but my absolute favourite is …(Dahlia close your eyes- lol),
Robbie Williams. OMG he is absolutely fanatstic. My family and friends don’t understand it and put up with a lot! I also like Take That, Christina Aquilera, Il Divo- a mixed bag really

A Jazz CD that I have is Q’s Jook joint (Quincey Jones), it is very mellow and chilled- not my usual taste but very enjoyable

I seem to like all the “oldies” - Barry Manilow, Bonnie Tyler, Motown, Cher etc but my son is a huge U2 fan, plays their songs constantly so I suppose I have been converted a little.

Used to love Slade too - how sad am I !!! lol

Modern day, yes can’t beat Robbie Williams and James Blunt. Quite like Snow Patrol.

Love K

Kate has redeemed herself - Quincy Jones is a cool dude. I’ll pretend I haven’t seen C Aquilera - recall her as a kid when she sang the Star Spangled Banner at some sports event - like a strangled cat.

By the way Kelly, you could beat Robbie Williams but you’d have to catch him first!!!

I’ve got no room to talk, I have a load of Barry Manilow vinyl. We won’t even mention the rest of the “old collection”.

Elton John has always been a favourite of mine. Eva Cassidy had a lovely voice and Louise Setara is a new discovery thank to Terry Wogan on whose prog I also heard Beth Nielsen Chapman for the first time - listen to Sand and Water without crying, or Say Goodnight Not Goodbye.

Genesis take a bit of beating (not with a stick though!) and were just dandy at Twickenham 2 months ago, good and loud and just right for someone my age!!!

I love Phil Collins and Genesis - remember a song by them called “Follow Me Follow You” - haven’t heard it in ages - perhaps I’ll request it on Smooth Radio.

Love K

Dahlia- if I catch Robbie it won’t be to beat him…how very dare you- lol! You have made me laugh- I needed that!

Sounds to me as if you might help him get undressed, you minx! Yes, how VERY dare you!!!

Does anyone remember the london boys? i.e london nights ,requiem

Rod Stewart!!!

I saw him live for the first time a couple of months ago and he was awesome!!!

Long live Rod!


Queen- all their music puts shivers down my spine and I am old enough to have seen Marty Wilde and The Wildcats live at the Sheffield Empire and Cliff Richard and the Shadows at the City Hall when I was 13. Went with girls from school and we all went in the toilets and took off our ankle socks so we looked ‘older’ and someone had borrowed lipstick from their mum so we all thought we looked the Bees Knees! What does that say for us, we might get older in body but in mind we’re still teenagers!

Norma X


You are a little cheeky monkey- I am only 60! Did I say only?

Norma X