Mutiple intraductal papillomas

I had a breast MRI back in November and it showed a single intraductal papilloma. It was biopsied and it came back benign. It was still suggested that I remain with a 4 month check-up mamo, ultrasound and MRI. I had that done and they just called to tell me that the original papilloma had more than doubled in size, and a new one had formed in that same breast and that a new one had formed in the other breast. In all my research, it tells me there should be breast discharge or that these should be located close to the nipple. Well mine is not. it is in the lower right hand outside area (underarm area) of the right breast. They are telling me that this is not detectable by mamagram or ultrasound. Yet they are suggesting a triple lumpectomy ASAP. I am confused because I am having no symptems. Does anybody out there have any information about this? Should I be scared? What does this operation entale? Any help out there? Thank you in advance. I don’t meet with the surgeon until Monday and it is making for a very long weekend.

Hi Michelle

Whilst you wait for the other users to reply with their experience and advice you may find the BCC booklet ‘Intaductal papillomas’ helpful to read. Just go to this link:

This leaflet explains what it is, how it is confirmed, and the treatment or follow-up that may be required.

I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

I have been reading some of the posts and I’m very anxious now about my visit in two weeks with my surgeon. First, it sounds like I should not have any excision done since it may cause more harm than good. On the flip side, if I don’t get it done, it could also be a problem. Does anyone out there have any information about the aftermath? The recovery time - types of pain to endure while recovering? Help, please if you can. I’ll try to stay signed on in case someone responds.