Hi ladies…I’m a bit confused so I think that I have decided to have a mx and reconstruction (implant) on the 3rd may, so if all the breast tissue is removed would I still need to have radiation? Or does it all depend on the results from the removal? Can anyone advise please xx
Hi I think it depends on how close lump was to chest wall if you need radiotherapy or not. Also not sure if implant means no radiotherapy as it can damage it. Also they can’t remove all the tissue, think they leave roughly 5% so there is some there. I had mx and having chemo but no radiotherapy. Ring Breast nurse to clarify.
I had mastectomy and was told they had removed all the breast tissue - due to this and the fact my nodes were clear and chest wall margin was clear radiotherapy was not needed. The pathology results will determine the next path but normally you wouldn’t need radiotherapy. Some people need chemo again depending on pathology. I also had an implant and my surgeon said if I had needed radiotherapy there was a small chance it can damage it - luckily didn’t need it so no damage!
I had a mx, my lump was mobile, so not attached anywhere, so very clear margins. I had clear lymph nodes and no vascular invasion. So I am cancer free. But, I still had to have 6 x FEC (just had my fourth yesterday) and willl have radiotherapy afterwards, not sure how many yet. This is all preventative treatment.
Everyone is so different.