MX tomorrow 1st nov anyone else going through the same

Hi i am having a mx tomorrow 1st november then chemo, possibly rads. this is my 3rd op had lumectomy and re excision but failed to clear 1 margin. scared, tearful amd stressed tonight…help

AH summer it will be ok. I have just had my mx and was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I will likely be on chemo and rads as well. Chemo scares me more than the mx. Keep well and let us know how you get on.

Hallo Summer11,
You probably won’t see this until after your operation. I know exactly what you are going through as I had an mx last Thursday after an unsuccessful wle at the end of September.
Four days on I feel depressed to have lost the breast but in a way glad that the cancer has been taken away. I’m teary, stressed and find it very difficult to sleep due to the pain that’s still there from the node sampling done 5 weeks ago. I also get very hot flushes during the night.
I haven’t really discussed further treatment yet. I am due to get the results of this op on 10th November and the surgeon told me that we would talk then about the next steps.
I’m sort of taking it one day at a time - I can’t deal with the thought of having chemo at the moment.
I still can’t believe that this is happening to me. Thank goodness for this website.
Good luck and let me know how you get on.

Hi back home from op and ok. hope you are doing ok too. holding onto hubby tightly x x

Hi summer11 - glad you’re home safely, and ok. You hang onto that husband of yours as tight as you need to - doubt he’ll complain!

My op on 12th nov - so looking forward to hearing how you got on with it all - if ‘looking forward’ is the right way of phrasing it… prob. not!

Chin up, hang on in there - sending (very very gentle) cyber hugs your way

Sophie xx

hi summer11 glad your home thinking of you missmessyx

Hi all, I actually feel ok physically although not tried to do too much yet. I have made some tea and put tumble dryer on. ! Some tightness but no real pain. I have taken some paracetamol and ibuprofen this am just to make sure. Emotionally I feel a wreck although that is improving too. I have started a positive journal so that I can write 1 positive thing that happens everyday. I want to kick this and I have so many friends routing for me that I feel real girl power. Results - how do you stop dreading ?
Hugs to allxx

Hi Summer,
It’s a week today since my mx. I long for a soak in the bath but have to make do with a quick shower. I’ve looked at it in the mirror but it’s going to take some getting used to.
I’m lucky like you to have a supportive partner.
I get my results on Wednesday 10th November and I am terrified!
When will you get your results?

Hi there

I had my mastectomy on the 29th. This was after a lumpectomy 3 weeks earlier with no clear margins & DCIS discovered so had to have it all taken. Hope you are feeling a little stronger now. It has been a bigger shock to my system than I thought it would be and although I am recovering better physically than before as I had my nodes taken the first time I am really struggling mentally with the loss of my breast BUT do keep telling myself that the cancer is all gone now. I think that helps.

Are you planning to have a recon at the end??? & do you have a date for chemo yet??? did you have any node involvement & are you hormone + or - I think things may get easier once a treatment plan is in place at least that’s what I hope & postings on here seem to support that idea. I have found this site very helpful in getting support plus practical tips and also just to pour out on bad days. we are still very much at the beginning of all this & so probably still somewhat in the shock stage so hopefully things may feel a bit more settled soon.

Hope we can help eachother if you want to. I am keen to make contacts if you were interested

hallo millykins,
I have sent you a private message.
I notice that you were due to have mx on 1st November as I was. Looks like you got an earlier operation like me.
Have you got an appointment to get your next results?
I am dreading them because I thought evrything would be OK after the first op - even the surgeon seemed surprised.

Hi all just wondering how everyone is getting on and where you all are with treatments. Popping in to see nurse tomorrow so she can check my scar but all seems ok.
I’ve been making myself busy - out to lunch with friends, hubby has had a day off with me and i’ve been walking. Feel good. Would you believe it the central heating has broken! Gas man been twice already. Why does it always happen when life is hard as it is…
Hugs to all xx

Hi summer11, good to hear that you’re doing well, hope you’ve got your heating fixed!! I’ve made my OH light the fire in the sitting room, and I’m sitting here in (his) comfy recliner chair with a t-shirt on <grin>.</grin>

I’m looking forward to being a few more days down the road so I will hopefully have shed this drain and won’t be tugging at my mx stitches every time I forget and swivel round too quickly (like, every five minutes or so - brain of a goldfish, me).

Hope you’ve had a good weekend, and haven’t got frostbite!!! Come round mine for a cup of tea if you’re freezing… wear a hawaiian shirt, it really is a bit too warm, if I’m honest…(but shhh, don’t tell my OH, he spent ages bringing enough wood in…)

Sophie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It’s been 17 days since my mx. I’ve had to have the wound drained twice already and I am going back on Tuesday for a 3rd drain!
Got my results on Wednesday. Having the mx was the right thing
for me as they found further changing cells in the breast.
Next step for me is chemo and I have an appointment on Wednedsay to see the oconologist. One node of 13 sampled had cancer in it.
I’ve been careful on this site and not researched chemo before as I found I was scaring myself.
I honestly thought that chemo would take 3 or maybe 4 weeks but I nearly fell off the chair when the BC nurse told me that it takes 6 months!
Anyone else finding the arm exercises agony?

I’m still on the basic and warm up exercises, as only 2 days post-op, and I must admit I sniggered when I looked at the poster and thought ‘you call THAT exercise?’. Now, I do them an hour after I’ve eaten because the pain killers are working by then… I cannot believe how pathetic my arms are being!!! And why is my right arm coming out in sympathy with my left? There’s nothing wrong with the right armpit!!!

Hang on in there - we’ll be on Miss Universe this time next year!

Sophie xx

It’s the stretching the arm up the wall that really hurts me. I force myself to do it and I am scared that I will burst the wound it’s so painful. The BC nurse assured me that this won’t happen but it fells very close sometimes!
I count myself lucky that the wound was glued and not stitched so I could have a shower the next day. No drains either but I’m not so sure about that as I have to keep going back to get the fluid taken out.
I wish that this site had a spell check as I’m not sure that there are two Ts in the word stretching.
You did well Sophie to post on the very day of the mx - what an example!
I’m off to have a nice long soak in the bath which I’m allowed to do now that it’s been more than 2 weeks.

HI there mousy brown
Just to say I had drains for my MX and have still had to have it drained - once so far but think it will need doing again but I had stitches so couldn’t get it wet for 2 weeks - agony - had follow up last fri & like you glad I ended up with MX as there was more DCIS so right decision.

I’ll be having chemo too. All the things I have read say it is hard but not nearly as scary as we think it is. basically like having a bad hangover or getting over flu for a couple of days then gradually gets better over the next week or so & by week 3 you’re back to “normal” - then on to the next dose. a hard slog but everyone says it is doable - so I am trusting the other women on this site to be honest as I think everyone is here - why wouldn’t you be.

Glad you are doing well

hi jo hi sophie hi mouseybrown hi soi and everyone that is going through this - do youthink we al might wake up soon!..
back from surgeon today prob start chemo nxt week. Then onto rads. so having a glass or so of wine and eating what i fancy! You all take care luv jenx

Should say i see oncologist wednesday so will know exactly what’s what then x x x

Hi Jen - good luck for wednesday xx I’m hoping I’ll find out friday what the next step is, I go back to see the consultant/surgeon then and find out the results post mx/clearance. Did your surgeon tell you for def. that you’d be having chemo, or do you have to wait to see onc. to know for sure? I’m hoping I’ll ‘know’ on Friday… even if not the fine details until I see the onc.

Sophie xx

Bit of a coincidence summer11 as I see onc tomorrow morning too! I’ve written down loads of questions to ask.
Had the wound drained this morning for the 3rd time (this seroma) and BC nurse got out 560mls so the amount is going up and not down.
My surgeon told me that even though they found cancer in only one of thirteen lymph nodes chemo will be necessary.
Good luck on Friday triphazard99!