My 86 year old mum

Hi , my 86 year old mum has just found a lump which is quite large , we went to the doctors and she referred her to the bravest clinic which was last Wednesday where she had scan and biopsy of the lump and one of her nodes after which she was told it was more than likely to be cancer. We opted for the phone call re results a week later, yet she has received an outpatients appointment for the following week before having the results confirmed. She has made it clear she doesn’t want any chemo or radiation treatment, our Gp had mentioned that cancer is slower growing in older people and could be treated with drugs but until we have the histology results we won’t know, I’m very worried about if it’s gone in her lymph glands and if it’s spread and the prognosis?? It’s been confirmed today she has ductal cancer of the breast and the breast nurse said it is treatable, we just need the appointment next Wednesday to see if it is hormone receptive! 

Hi Shelly 70

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