My battle plan

My battle plan

My battle plan Nanna T has asked me to post this message

Hi Everyone

This is my first letter to the forum. I have been reading the letters etc.
since Xmas but had trouble joining. My son helped me so here goes. The old
wrinkly is not that computer literate.

Had a mastectomy Aug. 05 and started taking the Arimidex and had 20
treatments of radio, which ended 14th. Nov. 2-3 weeks after I had a serious
skin breakdown, but with the help of district nurses it was more or less
cleared after just under 3 weeks. Xmas came and went and I thought right,
thats it, get back to normal. How wrong I was. I felt as though I had had a
severe dose of 'flu. My G.P. was very sympathetic and sent me for Blood
tests, which were O.K. Last week was my 1st follow-up appointment with the
oncologist. My sons insisted on seeing the oncologist with me ( my husband
died 2 years ago). We explained how I felt and he said the symptoms were the
side effect from the Arimidex. I could stop taking them (but didn’t
recommend it- I had 17 lymph nodes affected!). He said if I tried Oil of
Evening Primrose that might help eventually. He also took some more blood
tests.-I don’t know the results yet.

My battle plan. I’m trying to do a little more each day- 1 hour in the
garden. Take the dog a walk in the fields. Try to start to go out (with my
sister-in-law) to our usual winter pastimes.
I am hoping to go and watch friends at the indoor bowling next Tues-we’ll
see!! It is very hard.

I have just printed the feed-back from Grandmum’s letter " I’m not fine" 21
Jan.It was tremendous to read that you are not on your own, feeling weak and
awful. Thank you Grandmum for writing your letter and I do hope things are a
little better for you.

Many Thanks for the Forum

Hi Nanna T I am pleased the replies given to me helped you too. The best thing about this site is that you can write about how you actually feel and because there are so many others who have, unfortunately, ‘been there, done it, got the T-shirt’ that you get advice, realise you are not alone, and that others understand what you are going through.

I hope your battle plan works for you; I can empathise when you say it is very hard. My confidence has disappeared down a hole somewhere and I have yet to ferret it out, I have been diagnosed with ‘re-active depression’ and been given tablets but they will take another couple of weeks to start working. I don’t like leaving the house unless my husband is with me.

I hope you get to watch the indoor bowling - at least you haven’t got to worry about the weather being wet!!
Take care