Hi ladies,

just a quickie !!!

I had mastectomy 3 weeks ago and had serious seroma, i saw my suergeon last week and he confirmed its all ‘normal’ and i must say is going down very well. BUT today i had a area fill up quickly and i gently pressed it and it ‘popped’ and went, very strange feeling i wonder if it was a bubble?

has anyone else had this?



ps, also picked up infection but im on antibiotics xx

Bump, in case any other seroma ladies want to comment. I’ve been lucky not to get a seroma so can’t comment, but it does sound odd.

(I admit I read this expecting with some trepidation a story of your boob exploding and splattering the walls, sorry!)

I must admit also thought it was an implant that had gone bang splat so another sorry. I cant help either but would suggest you ring your gp this morning.