My brain MRI results


Sorry only just caught up wiv this on here, but you know why. Yeah that old tiredness thing again. But as I said in text, absolutely fantastic news for you and Hubby, and am so pleased and relieved for both of you, a weight lifted from your shoulders, as know how hard it was for you.

Keep on going girl, and catch up soon, somehwere lol.

Lots of love

Great to have good news once in while - lets hope its highloy contagious/infectious or just plain catching

Happy New Year


Thanks for all your lovely comments. I have had a sore throat and a cold over the last few days and have been feeling very grumpy and fed up. Glad to see that having a terminal illness has given me great perspective. Still, been listening to all my friends moaning about minor ailments for weeks on end so needed something to moan about now my brain scan is clear.

Lots of love and good wishes to you all,

Angee xx

Hey Angee

Really pleased to hear your news. Hope the cold clears soon.
