My brain MRI results


I am pleased to say that my brain MRI is clear. I am so so relieved and feel I can breathe again. Thanks to you all for helping me through this week with your words of support and encouragement. You have been great.

Angee xx

Angee I am SO pleased for you! x

Angee, really good news.
Love Debsxxx

That’s really good news Angee, you must feel so relieved

Lesley xx

Oh Angee, what fantastic news!!! I am so so chuffed for you!

Best wishes

Brilliant news-been thinking about you.

Sue x

Marvellous news Angee.

Take care

Anthi x

Hi Angee

That’s such great news for you! I’ve been thinking about you!

Marilyn x

Have just logged in (on my way to bed) to check whether you’d posted, Angee, and am so glad to see that you have and that it is good news. Am so pleased for you.

Hope you can now indeed relax a little - and have some fun!

Lots of love Kay xx

Great to hear this.


Great news - now you can relax and enjoy each day.

Take care

Phew! great news…so pleased, jayne

Wonderful news Angee!! Been thinking about you. Hope you have something nice planned for today.

Peggy x

so pleased for you - what a relief
Dare I say this but you’ve had good news and I sort of in that i can continue with taxol so let’s hope others get good news or feel better and all these flu bugs go.
Cheered me up to hear that.

Wonderful news!
Sue x

Yes so pleased for you angee…


Oh great!!! Really happy for you, agree with Peggy treat yourself to something today to celebrate!!


Ditto, always good to hear good news on this site.


Brilliant news Angee - I’m so pleased for you
love Jacquie xx

That’s great news, so very pleased for you.

Becks xx