My cancer recovery videos

Hello everyone. 
in January I decided to share my recovery story through a series of videos on YouTube. It’s called My Cancer Recovery-Melanie James. I had breast cancer in 2016 but have been clear since then. I wrote a manuscript for a book about my cancer experience but didn’t get published so I used the material for the videos. I’ve learned so much in 5 years and I want to reach out to anyone going through the same. I will be so happy if I can help someone to feel less afraid, to share tips on how I overcame challenges.

please take a look and let me have any feedback on the channel or a thumbs up if you like it. I made 32 videos even including healthy recipes and makeup tricks. There’s a few about fear and anxiety and how you go through the 7 stages of grief. Also nipple reconstruction and tattoo. It’s all positive so don’t be anxious about watching and I talk slowly and calmly not like usual YouTubers! 

I put a lot of myself into it and could really do with feeling it was worthwhile.

thanks, my fellow cancer warriors,

Melanie James