my Cd

my Cd

my Cd well I have done lots of publicity and now its your turn to buy the CD you can go to and reply to the e-mail address there…

or go on the other site and it will explain all…

please all of you buy it its only the price of a pair of knickers…and its 100% for the charities …they are good ones too!!

I wanted to do the race for life but with my second primary in 12 months and my second fase of chemo in 5 months i know i wuld be pushing it to walk let alone run…but i have done this CD its for all of us and our daughters…

Its been very hard work …please support me …i was on central news tonight and in my local paper this week…i have a lot of suport but we are the ones its for so i feel that if you listen to it you will hear words that are so poignant to most of us…

my mom said tonight that if we send this to at least all on our e-mail address then we alone could make the diference…

it is going on downloads i am waiting for that to be set up…very soon i hope…not my domain not that clever…lol

love to you all Jacqui xx


Just tried the link and couldn’t get on! Bit frustrating… :frowning:

You mention going to another site - can you let me have that address perhaps.

Thanks Kim x :slight_smile:

Hi Kim,

It is the other site that you have joined :slight_smile:

lol Dawnhc