My daughter is newly diagnosed

Hi everyone,


My beautiful and wonderful daughter has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. We are currently awaiting further test results to find out if it has spread beyond her lymph nodes. I can only describe the feelings I have at this moment in time as totally devastating, my world has fallen apart. A mum is supposed to be able to protect her children from the nasty things in life and to make them better when they are poorly but this is out of my hands and I feel helpless. Is it normal for me to feel like this? Are there any other mums out there who have been through this and can offer me any advise?

I’m giving practical help like cleaning and helping to look after the children but I don’t want my son in law, who has been so strong and supportive, to think I’m taking over. I feel like I’m just not coping with the possibility of losing my little girl.

Hi mozzie

Welcome to the BCC forums, I am sorry to read of your daughters diagnosis, its natural to be feeling  helpless.  Whilst you are waiting for the other users to reply with their knowledge and experiences if you need some additional support or just to talk things through do give the helpline a call on 0808 800 6000.  Here you can share your feelings and concerns with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information.  Lines are open Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, CC Facilitator

Mozzie my heart goes out to you Your daughter and family but she is lucky to have a supportive mum.

Ask them to be honest with what help or support they want. It may just be at times she wants to talk or get her nails done / go shopping feel normal. Or you might be able to help and research to support over though things ie hairloss look at headstrong or lingere info if she needs a masectomy.

Many cancer centres do complementary therapies so might be good to find info on local groups etc. there is amazing support and info out there just in a lot of places. Look at haven or maggies centres.

All the best to you and family