I know this seems trivial in the grand scheme of things, but my eyelashes seem to be thinning again !
I’ve recently got them back after finishing chemo on 31st August, had mastectomy and radiotherapy, and my lashes had grown back beautifully !! I noticed a couple of days ago that half of the bottom lashes seem to have gone missing in action, and I’m not happy about this - what could be causing it ?
I’ve recently had my first herceptin, but surely that’s not the reason ?
If anyone has any ideas, ( and could also reassure me that this is usual and/or temporary!), that’d be great.
This is normal. It happened to me. When I finished chemotherapy my eye lashes grew back really nicely and then after a while they fell out again really nicely! As I understand it, this is because normally you shed a few lashes and don’t notice, but after chemo they fall out on mass, grow back on mass and then start to thin again - you notice because they are all acting in unison.My lashes are great now- finished chemo last summer and they have been beautifully behaved for some months now.
I am on Herceptin until April and my eyelashes are rubbish. They have not been good since FEC and Taxotere, but were the last thing to fall out, so I guess they will be the last thing to come back. I find Herceptin slows down some hair growth and have also found it’s impossible to lose weight whilst on it.
Thank you so much for your messages - sounds like its the Herceptin causing it then !
Not happy about the weight thing Cherub ! I managed to lose a stone and a half whilst on chemo, and I don’t really want it back, thankyou very much - LOL .