my fab husband

Just thought I would show you what my hubby looks like this month… doing this for us! and all cancer people… so far he has raised over £700 for Macmillan. ( chose Macmillan as we thought it was more general, and people with no BC experiance would be generous because of other cancers!) Altough his work place… the job centre are planning a BC day

LOL that’s fab :smiley: I couldn’t even get my OH to wear my wig for a crack!

Well Done Mr Charlotte !

How super. What a wonderful result. Macmillan does a super job. He is a superb husband with a loving wife he wants to support.
I am going to do a fundraising event for Breast Cancer Care soon because I know they are finding this financial dip a problem as are a lot of charities. I so enjoy the forums and I have used the Helpline in times of need. I would hate them to be cut.
If the Job Centre is doing a Breast Cancer Day perhaps the BCC fundraising dept might send posters etc. I’m going to try them for these.
Big Hugs to you and your “old man”

Fabulous! LOL!
Well done Mr Charlotte!!!

BTW he doesnt normally have a constipated look on his face!

Well done Mr Charlotte!

I hava a fab hubby too but there is no way he would die his hair pink!

Good on you!

Daisy xx

Great! What a fun thing to do!! Well done mr c!!!

Sadie Xx Xx

Thats fab, congrats on the fundraising and its lovely you have such a supportive fun husband!

My hubby has agreed to not cut his hair until mine comes back (he normally shaves his head every couple of weeks no 1) so he is going to end up looking like a yetti hehehe perhaps i could turn this into a fundraising thing for BC too?

Clare thats how my hubby started… normally a number 1or 2 all over… with a bit of a ‘gap’ at the back, he said he would grow his while i waited for mine to grow, and then added that he would bleach it… but due to skin problems pink seemed safer, it then went from a week to the whole month.