my mom has TNBC + Inflammatory BC

Hi there, 

Quick backstory: my mom was diagnosed with TNBC 2 years ago. She had a lumpectomy and her lymph nodes were removed followed by radiation. During radiation, she had swelling and redness that eventually broke the skin down and her cancer became inflammatory. 

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with treatments for TNBC that became inflammatory. My mom’s skin is now a huge open wound that often bleeds and has drainage. We’re undergoing clinical trials currently, but it’s all still very new and she doesn’t seem to be getting better. She’s in so much pain and I don’t know how to help her (she’s already on so many pain meds). I just want to know if anyone else has been through this open wound situation and received treatment for it or if there is any advice on what to do for it. I just feel helpless in this situation and I want to help her. 

I just would really like to hear from others who have been through this and gain insight into whats out there or what might have worked for them.


My name is Tara, I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer 2 years ago too.

 I am sorry to hear that your mum is in so much pain. I have not had this myself, but didn’t want to pass by without answering and offering some suggestions.

  No one should be in pain ever, cancer is hard enough and we need to be as comfortable as possible to get through. I am not medically trained and maybe your mum has already done this, but in the first instance I would contact one of the nurses on this site, using the phone number or chat option for advice. You could even do it together. It would also be worth talking to her breast care nurse, however if no joy as for a second opinion in regards to treatment and pain relief. I always find it best to be heard until you get sorted. You don’t have to be aggressive, but get your point across.

 Please do let us know how you get on.
