my mother has secondries after 19yrs

Hello my mother has lung secondries and is being treated with Capecitabine and is incredibly tired and is having rashes, stomach upsets and sore fingers as side effects . She is on her 5th cycle. She has talked about giving up the chemo. Is anyone supporting an elderly mother through the same problems.

I’m so sorry to hear about your mum.
I must admit that I was talking to my mum and she said that if she ever got it she doesnt think she would have treatment and I don’t know if I could go through it again so I kind of understand how you mum feels.
However maybe the oncologist can give her something else so the side affects arent as bad?
By the way can you really get a secondary from a cancer that you had 19 years ago, would this not be a new cancer? It’s a scary thought.
I do hope that your mum finds the stregnth to carry on so that she has the best chance.

You mention others supporting an elderly mother - may I ask if your mum is quite elderly? I would have thought there was plenty of scope for your mum’s dose to be reduced with capecitabine. If she is getting this amount of side effects and has already had 5 lots it would be well worth discussing with her consultant. Has she had further scans yet to see if the treatment so far has been effective in stabilising or reducing the lung mets? May I ask if she has made sure her oncologist knows that she is finding the side effects too much, and if he/she is treating those side effects? So often again elderly patients feel they don’t want to make a fuss etc. but it is really important that she tell them about any side effects - there is nearly always something that can help make life more comfortable.

Usually with secondaries once the patient has had 6 treatments of the chemo - and especially so with capecitabine - it is possible to stay on the chemo at a much reduced maintenance dose. I think most certainly as one gets older you do have to weigh up quality of life against quantity.


I am 61 and have been on Capecitabine for bone mets. I had to have the dose reduced because I suffered form sore hands and feet. Some patients do not have this problem with Capecitabine but it is still fairly common. I would have a word with her hospital doctor and their team to see if her dose could be reduced. The good news was the drug helped me. I hope it helps your Mum too. Val