My Mum found a dent

Hi there. My mum phoned me this morning and she told me she has an appointment at the cancer consultant at the hospital, as she has a dent in her breast.
I went cold when she told me this, this is literally my worst fear.
In 2006 my Mums Mum, (my Granny) died of breast cancer.
My mum is only 55 years old, I’m 31. I’m petrified of losing her.
I know some may think I’m jumping the gun, but like I said this is literally my worst fear and now I am petrified.
Any advice would be greatly received

Hi Sarah,
It sounds as if you have a great relationship with your Mum that she has shared this news even though the appt has yet to happen.
Are you able to offer to go with your Mum , would she want you there at the appt?
The days of Not Knowing are some of the most frightening.
Be pleased your Mum has been proactive and sought advice. If it is a cancer there are many types and treatment will be tailired just for her.
Know who your best supporters are as well but dont listen to the horror stories, you dont need them.
Hoping all goes well for your Mum and you.
LL xx

hi im 51 years of age i found a dent in my left breast couple of moths ago .i sore my gp who referd me to breast clnic …where they did a mammogram …following that i had biopsys …yes it was comfirmed of breast cancer in my left breast …i have now decided to have a double masectommi …excuse spelling …im gping into hospital on monday for some limth nodes to by removed and checked .big surgey will be in prob next three weeks …what i can say is the the sooner she gos the better …so many survivers today …tell her to fight like s girl as many of are fighting it every day …shes not alone