My mum, full hip replacement due to bone mets?



I am new to these forums, well when I say new, I have never posted before but have often visited them to read other peoples stories over the last year.


My mum was first diagnosed in 2009 with breast cancer, treated with radiotherapy and chemo she got the all clear soon after.

Back in September 2014 after numerous trips to the doctors were dismissed she was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer, it had spead to lungs & bones and liver was inconclusive.

She had 9 litres of fluid drained from around her heart last october and it has been a bit of a roller coaster to say the least, however, her upbeat spirit and desire to keep fighting has made her able to live a relatively normal life since. She is on lots of medication due to increasing hip pain but still walks our dogs and gets on with daily life, she made the hard decision to leave work after being diagnosed as felt she couldnt give 100% to her job.

In the last few weeks she has been booked in to have a full hip replacement after the hip has crumbled (due to bone mets) and I was just wondering if there was anyone on these forums that had gone through this? We are slightly concerned about risk of infection as last christmas she picked up C-Diff but we put this down to her immune system being so low as she was on chemo (very agressive) at the time.

She is treated every 3 weeks at the moment (Herceptin & Pertuzumab)

Anyone that can give any advice will be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:


Hi xSutt01x

Sorry that no one has been on to answer your post yet, have you thought about posting on the secondary category where there are always lots of people chatting and supporting each other?

Our fantastic support line is also available to you, 0808 800 6000 open Monday-Friday 9-5 & Saturday 10-2.

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer

Hi xSutt01x


I have secondarys in bones and liver and a year ago was advised I should have a total hip replacement.  My bones had not crumbled or broken, although I was in pain.  My Onc suggested the op prior to chemo and it was considered a preventative measure for possible fractures in the future.  I was 48 years old and guess I underestimated the scale of the op as I was still digesting the news of a triple neg recurrance… so I agreedto surgery but in retrospect I wish I hadn’t!  My walking has never been the same, I can’t run, rollerblade or wear heels as I was a year ago.   I don’t know the age of your Mother but must stress it is a major operation and it’s vital to keep doing the excercises to gain strength again as soon as possible.


Everybody is different but I wish I hadn’t agreed to having surgery & I have refused to have the other side done!


Good luck with your choice.


B x