My Mum has been diagnosed with Breast cancer

I came home from work today to find my Mum waiting for me with bad news. She has been diagnosed with cancer in her left breast. She has two lumps and has to have her left breast removed some time soon. We are all in complete shock as we feel ‘this just doesn’t happen in out family’. I’m feeling very lost at the moment - my mum is heading back to the hospital this time next week to talk to the surgeon and get more results. I am terrified that my Mum may be dying and I just don’t know what to do. Any advice/ support/ stories would help a lot. Thank you

Dear Kelly
Welcome to the BCC forums, I am sorry to read that you are so worried about your Mum, you will soon have lots of support here and our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support for you so please feel free to all to talk through your fears and concerns about your Mum.

Lines open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2 on 0808 800 6000

Here’s also a link to the ‘Just diagnosed’ information and further support from BCC which you and your Mum may find helpful to read through:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Dawn, thank you so much for your story. It really means the world to us to hear that others have gone through this and come out the other side.

Kelly x

I’d also like to thank you, Dawn. I’m also here to read up on how I can support my Mum (Kelly, I hope you won’t mind getting in your thread). I just found out 2 days ago so still v early and not all investigations complete.

Hi Crina,

Sorry to hear about your Mum. It’s so hard being in these early stages as there are so many unanswered questions. My Mum is going today for feedback on her first set of test results so I am feeling terrified for her! Good luck to you and your Mum - I hope she gets well soon x

Hi Kelly,



Really sorry to hear your news. My mum was diagnosed with cancer when I was 18, It was a massive shock and she even kept it secret that she was going to the doctors as they had seen something on the scan. She also found out she had secondaries in the liver. I, like you thought this thing never happens. She went through chemotherapy which was a very hard time - but now she’s back to work and as sociable as ever. I’m 22 and I have gone through university as has my brother and I think (hoping this doesn’t sound selfish) this ‘normality’ helped my mum. 


Best of wishes xx

I hope today’s results weren’t too bad and that you have some answers and hope for the future.

Pickle - my mum is keeping it a secret from my sister. At least until she can tell her in person. My sister gets very stressed about health issues. It’s awful talking to my sister knowing she doesn’t know. I feel disloyal to her. Glad to hear your mum is doing well now.

Hi all, my mum went for her first set of results today. She was told pretty much what we expected - it is definitely cancer - it has also spread to some of the lymph nodes. She will definitely be having a mastectomy, chemo and hormone replacement as the doctor said that the cancer is ‘hormone dependent’ (I think). We are still a little unclear on how serious all of that is but my mum is happy to remain unaware for now. Our next concern is that she has to have a scan to see if the cancer has spread elsewhere as it is invasive. She has an appointment with the surgeon on Monday (23rd Dec) but not sure if this is when the scan will be done. Still so many unanswered questions but I’m afraid that is how my mum is handling it at the moment! :frowning: