My mum has just been diagnosed with breast cancer and secondary breast cancer



My mum has just been diagnosed with breast cancer which is advanced and which has spread to her lung as it was missed in previous scans.


She starts two types of chemo on Wednesday for six months. If after three months nothing has changed they can operate and remove her breast but there is nothing that can be done for the cancer in her lung. So we’ve just got to hope and pray the chemo kills it.


Does anyone know about this type of cancer, it might sound stupid but can they not remove the lung or part of it if the chemo doesn’t kill it? 


My mum is being so strong and positive which has amazed me, given the shock. I’m trying to support her but when I leave her I just crumble and break down. She is only 54 and it just doesn’t seem fair. I don’t want to loose her.


if anyone reads this I’d appreciate any advice you can give me so I can help my mum. 


Thanks xxx

Hi Amy Kate, 

I am sorry to hear that you and your mum are going through this really tough time.

Our users are hugely supportive and I am sure they will be along to help answer some of your questions and talk to you about how you are feeling. You may also want to try posting on an existing threadMy mum has just been diagnosed with breast cancer where users are already sharing their experiences.

Also, you could always call our support line at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to help answer your questions and offer a friendly ear.

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Assistant 

I found this booklet brilliant , emotional support through breast cancer - cordelia galgut. Written well in easy english, but deals with all aspects. 70 plus pages of great information. Wishing you and your mum well. X