My mum has just been diagnosed with breast cancer

Hi, my mum has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is going to have a bone scan this Thursday and still waiting on a CT scan date. I’m worried sick that it has spread. All we know at the moment is that she has the most common form and it is treatable. I’m trying to stay strong as she is being very positive. Anyone who’s in a similar situation please comment thanks. I hope all your loved ones are doing ok x

Hi Emma,


Sorry to hear about your mum.

My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2009, it is a very scary time but you have to stay positive and focus on how advanced treatments are now.

Its the waiting for scans/results that are the hardest times in my opinion, but you just have to keep positive and be there for your mum the best way you can.

Iv’e found comfort in following these forums & reading other peoples stories over the last year so I hope they help you the same way. Wishing you & your mum all the best for her upcoming scans Xx

Hello, thanks for the reply. I’m sorry that your my mum had to go through that too, how is she now? It is very stressful and I am holding onto the hope that it hasn’t spread. Just want her to start her treatment and beat this xz

Hi there,


My mum is fairly newly diagnosed too (dx late august) and what can I say, it’s an awful time. Her CT scan wasn’t 100% clear, they found some “anomalies” in her bones which are too small for the doctors to know for sure what they are at the moment, but she’s going ahead with chemo and seems to be responding to treatment.


It isn’t going to be easy, especially if you’re not living super close to her (I’m at uni at the moment, and it’s hard to know what I can do to help, and it’s also hard to arrange times for me to see her what with her feeling ill a lot from chemo and me having a lot to do here) but once treatment is underway, it does get a bit easier… the waiting game is the worst.


I hope everything is going okay, just realised this post was a few weeks ago… how is everything progressing now?


Don’t despair… bc is very treatable, and there’s a wonderful support network here of lovely people who you can talk to if it all gets a bit much.


Stay strong xx

Thank you both. My mums doing ok, CT and bone scans both came back clear, lymph nodes are also ok. She is going in to have her operation on Wednesday (lumpectomy) and 6/7 weeks after that she will start radiotherapy. During the operation they are going to look at the lymph nodes again. They will also look at the lump very carefully to make sure they’ve taken it all away and to make sure there’s enough healthy tissue around the lump. I feel so much better now there’s a treatment plan in place. Waiting like you said is defiantly the worse. I hope both your mums are doing ok? Thank you for sharing your stories. Stay positive, they can perform miracles these days. It was very reassuring to hear the doctor say they have even improved the treatment within the last year. Keep in touch xx

Hi Emma


My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer recently. It was just a horrible devastating thing to find out, and I am very close to my mom, so I can sympathise with how you are feeling, I hope that you are doing okay and looking after yourself as well as your family. 


My mom had the hormone positive, HER-2 negative type of cancer and it was still small, so like your moms it’s the best kind, and so far has had a lumpectomy and the sentinel nodes removed to check for cancer cells. Unfortunately 1 in 3 of them had cancer cells, so she has had to have axillary clearance, and because of the presence in the sentinel node, she now has to have chemotherapy. We just received news today that all the rest of the lymph nodes that they removed are all clear which is great news, and tomorrow she will find out when she starts chemotherapy. It’s going to be once every three weeks for 6 cycles, and then radiation to follow. 


Obviously I can’t offer you any comforting words about how it will all turn out in the end because I’m still right there in the midst of the whole awful experience, but I think we do have to think of it as an ‘experience’, because it will be over and life will hopefully go back to normal. I hope that we are both looking back at this a year from now thinking ‘remember when my mom was ill, that was a strange time!’.


All the best wishes, love and strength to you and your family. x

Hi my mum was not so lucky with her breastfeeding cancer she was diagnosed in September with inflammatory breastfeeding cancer it had all ready gone into the lymph glands an she had spots on her lung. Her bone scan was clear which was good and she goes for another scan on weds with the results first week of January. Iv been reading up on it and says she will only live for 21 months max. Think I’m still in shock and feel that now I’m not coping to good as having my dad at end of life with ipf she’s trying to look after him but I feel it’s taking life of her it’s just so hard an really feel like I’m going to fall apart x