my mum starts chemo next week

my mum has/had cancer
its been just over four weeks since her tumor was removed and she starts chemo next week
her tumor was a grade 3 at 5cm
they just took the tumor and 8 lymph glands(which were clear)
after her chemo they want to do a full removal as there is a lot of pre cancerous cells left in her breast
we went to get wig yesterday, she found one that we so good she even wore it home to play a trick on my step dad…lol

she isnt feeling to good at the moment and is waking during the night dripping wet through
she a;so said she can feel a hard lump in her breast where they took the tumor from, is this normal?
she wont ring the nurses :frowning:

I suppose I just want to be able to chat with people who understand whats going on at the moment


Hi Helen

Welcome to the discussion forums, I am sure that your fellow forum members will be along soon with valuable support and advice for you and your mum, you are also welcome to call our freephone confidential helpline for a chat with one of our specialist nurses, our team can offer you a ‘listening ear’, advice and information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Hi Helen

I had surgery to remove a lump 5 weeks ago and I have many different lumps and bumps around the wound. In my case, I had it checked out and it is just scar tissue, swollen tissue from where the surgery was and some trapped pockets of fluid. I was terrified it was another cancer, but my doctor said that this would be highly unlikely so quickly after surgery. I would say though that each case is different and your mum should ring the nurse or GP in case she has an infection especially as you say she is waking up sweating and feeling ill. You could also ring the helpline or email them for advice on your mum’s behalf.


thanxs cathy
I have tried to get her to call them. she is going in for a pre assessment 2 days before her first session of chemo and I will be going with her so will get her to tell them then
I will also email them like you say
she had a really bad smell coming from the scar under her arm where they took the glands, she had them look at it and they said it was fine so I think she doesnt want to bother anyone

Hi Helen,

my mum passed away a while a go but before that she’d been having treatment for 7 years. I went through the whole wig searching; numerous forms of chemo and hospital stays, so I guess what I’m trying to say is if you want to chat one on one then drop me a line cause its hard but you can survive this and you can survive it with a smile on your face.
